Everyone is at stand here wondering whether or not that very photo is real,for we know that Sam Raimi has kept everyone is suspense wondering whether or not Venom is actually going to be in this film,for all we know is that Raimi just might break down this single film into a two part film(Parts 3 and 4,ala "Kill Bill:Volumes 1 and 2"),and save the Venom stuff for the second film(should it get split in half and released as part 4)and keep the black pre-Venom suit solely for Part 3,since this movie seems like it's been filming forever and no one properly knows whether or not any of the regular characters live or die(as all of those rumors that are being tossed around all over the 'net),or whether the likes of Venom and/or HobGoblin(Harry Osbourne)are actually going to stand by the Sandman's side in attempting to destroy Spidey.
We'll see for sure later this year,when they finish filming and decide upon what to do with this film and and its May 2007 release.