He was a very odd person. Definitely that typical european french personality. Just a bit different from the americans, that's for sure.

If you knew me well enough and the work that I do, I'm very easy to please on a physical level. It doesn't take me much to get off. I'm lucky enough to experience easy orgasms through actual vaginal intercourse as well as anal penetration (which often is too overwhelming) as some to most women experience that later in their lives or never.

In this industry as a female performer you have to accept the fact that you'd end up working with some unattractive people but luckily my ignorance doesn't lie in those lines. I always find a way that turns me on which could be why I gear more towards the more so "degrading" acts on film. Who knows... sick at heart I guess.

...I do know there hasn't been one thing that completely disgusted me and I've had lots of fun when a opportunity of a shoot comes around. It's best to take anything for what it's worth rather than regreting or just not giving it a whirl for whatever reason.

Lastly, I as myself,(nor really anyone else) can actually say what great of a person someone is when it comes to having any form of sex on camera for a combination of your pleasure, the others pleasure, the viewers pleasure and the simple fact that money is involved.

We're having sex with people we actually do not know. Which is fine, I accept that, its exciting. But I don't really have a right in saying what great of a person Stephen French is. Even how awful of a person is for that matter.His performance is a different story. Just to make some clarifications.

I can say that from my experience working with him, he's definitely the dominate kind. He loves degrading women. He loves talking dirty. He's good at acting like a certain character he's asked to be unlike some people just have no life or personality in them, whatsoever. Even on a personal basis.

So I do give the man some credit. Other than the fact that his breath smelled like horse shit. But the whole world knows that already... check the behind the scenes of the movie. It's classic.

I simply don't see any point in bad mouthing a person when in fact they're just doing a little something in their lives they perhaps enjoy or can make money off of. They're not harming anyone and by god I'd like to see you get on camera with me and do a scene like that. I'm curious to hear other peoples criticism.

XOXO - have a good one.