
no sweetie, see... we don't live in the pacific northwest. Down here, in the south, a woman is a woman... and does what the man says. She even darns my socks for me... do you even know how to sew... i doubt it.

in the south do men wear lipstick? do southern men profit from the vaginas of their soulmates? is it de rigeur to sport that weird haircut where half of their head is shaved and the other half is stuffed into a greasy ponytail? do they wear "combat" boots to breakfast?

you are no southern man. if you were curbstomped, it would be ruled a hatecrime because you are gay and the dead can't protest their sexuality (in vain). even you know that, longshot. you make your living from being effeminate. if your "woman" makes you feel more like a man because she scrambles your eggs, i congratulate her because it is a thankless and unrewarding job.

oh, yeah, and i can sew. i can also shoot fowl, deep-sea fish, and i regularly construct pup tents from my big fat lesbian panties.