
I support Bush at times and often I don't. I like his forcing of the Justice Department to acknowledge the 2nd Amendment as an individual right to bear arms, rather than the Clintonian "collective right" of states to form citizen militias, for example. I strongly dislike his 2257 policies that forced purveyors of lawful porn to keep unreasonably burdensome records, his insane spending and debt accumulation,

I with you on this one Phlog, nice to know I don't have to ride the trail alone.


The one thing that gets me tagged as a "Bush lover" is my support for fighting terrorism and an aggressive foreign policy. This brings on the cliches of "why aren't you in Iraq?", "chickenhawk", "war for oil", and all the other things the left was programmed to say by too many viewings of Fahrenheit 9/11. (My fave: "You're the reason everyone hates America".)

I never understood the liberals reasoning along this. If you stand up and say you agree with the GWOT you automatically get branded a "Bush-lover". They don't seem to understand there are other issues to agree/disagree on. Fucking Liberals
If cum was concrete, Quasarman would have a four lane freeway going down his throat. - pariah