
If your argument had any merit, you'd have a far better spokesman than a syphilitic and untalented "actor" who got his career through his father. You did follow my link and learned Charlie flunked out of high school, right? In this sense, you'd be better off if I slimed you with Michael Moore.
When the mainstream body of engineers and scientists are preaching these theories, I may listen. Right now, it's just the lunatics as documented in C62's Hippie Pix thread.

MAN you really don't know what your talking about PLOG or NEO-CON..Whatever your name is?? You say that only "lunatics" supports the 9/11 coverup and the controlled demolition of the World Trade Centers..huh??
Not only prominet Hollywood Celebrities such as Charlie Sheen and Martin Sheen have come out in support of a TRULY INDEPENDENT INVESTIGATION on 9/11, other credible government officals or as you call them "lunatics"..

These credible people include former presidential advisor and CIA analyst Ray McGovern, the father of Reaganomics and former Assistant Secretary of the US Treasury Paul Craig Roberts, BYU physics Professor Steven Jones, former German defense minister Andreas von Buelow, former MI5 officer David Shayler, former Blair cabinet member Michael Meacher, former Chief Economist for the Department of Labor during President George W. Bush's first term Morgan Reynolds,Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney and many more!!

THANK GOD FOR the TRUE AMERICAN CHARLIE SHEEN FOR Bringing more light to this subject than it has ever gotten..You see more than half of the people are obsessed with celebrites so when A Great American Celbrity like Charlie Sheen comes out on such a FORBIDDEN Subject, people take notice and listen..9/11 IS A COVERUP BY THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT. It won't hurt one bit to just check out the many facts out there!!
FOR ONE: Why have 9 hijackers that were named in the attacks been confirmed to STILL be ALIVE and have done foregin radio interviews,newspaper interviews, and have been photographed after September 11th..Probably because the government wouldn't want you to find out about that!! Its the truth people and THIS STORY IS GROWING BIGGER AND BIGGER!!

"mmmmm.. nuthin says lovin like...eating babies!!!"-Sierra Sinn