Thank GOD that some of you are researching and seeing the facts of 9/11, the rest of you are so GLIM to what really happened on the Day of Sept 11th. The US Government carried out the attacks on the World Trade Center,the Pentagon(which wasn't even a plane) on 9/11. PLEASE CHECK OUT THE FACTS!!
Charlie Sheen isn't our spokeperson, he is just a TRUE AMERICAN that has a tremedous amount of courage to come out on what he believes in and what ALOT OF OTHER PEOPLE BELIEVE about 9/11! All you NEO-CON'S that BASH Charlie Sheen about his behavior a few years ago to downplay the actual facts of what were talking about...NOT ONE OF YOU HAS CHALLENGED HIM on any of the NUMEROUS Facts about 9/11??? Your so confident that the US GOVERNMENT didn't have anything to do with 9/11..But yet all you can do is say.."Charlie Sheen, isn't he dead".."Charlie Sheen isn't any kind of spokesperson." Give me a fucking break..CHALLENGE HIM ON THE FACTS PEOPLE!! You need to open your EYES, because the TRUTH IS COMING OUT ON 9/11!!