
Phlog, I ain't getting into it with you. You're the biggest right wing propagandist on this board.

Awww...too bad. Having drawn out all the leftist paranoiacs, I wanted to amuse myself with the biggest idiot amongst them.


You shout baseless rhetorical nonsense over and over, and your arguments go far in pointing out how ignorant you really are. You take whatever the administration tells you, and you assume that it must be true. You never question anything they say, so, debating you my friend would be tantamount to wasting my time.

Forgive me for not meditating on the wise engineering-related ruminations of a high school flunk-out like Sheen or his fellow tinfoil hat-wearers at prisonplanet.com.


Even c62 was able to back up his words. You, on the other hand, are the right wing equivalent of Michael Moore.

I'm sure C62 thanks you for your sweet words. If you ask nicely, he might let you suck his cock.


You're an ignorant moron. By the way, I don't fucking care if you served in the Navy, Army, or whatever crazy posturing you're selling this week.

Now, I'm done with you -- peacocking around like a fucking twit. Fuck off and sell your shit elsewhere.

All that name-calling! I suppose the erudite structural engineering savant Charlie Sheen couldn't help you say something worthwhile?

God, I love the smell of whiny liberals in the morning! Whining liberals smell like victory!