
Anyone who even bothers to look into the circumstances leading up to 911, and the strange coincidences that it involved, will surely come away thinking that something very odd was in the works.

As for Hollywood giving Americans four more years of Bush. Not likely. The right wing assholes like Phlogiston who voted them back in have only have themselves to blame.

US DEFICIT: 430 Billion (that's billion)

I personally love the video of George Bush discussing, just after Katrina, that "Nobody Could Have Predicted...". Then, the videotape of him sitting like a dim wit, the night before Katrina, not saying a word because he had a fund-raiser to get too the next morning.

By the way, we were all sad to hear that Bush wasn't able to sell off security on 6 major US ports to those towel heads. We are all rooting for it. What have Muslims ever done to you guys? Yup, your President, George Bush, was sure as shit going to veto it if the towel heads weren't able to buy it. At least Bush puts his Muslim business interests ahead of the American people!

How's the leak investigation going by the way? Is it true that Dick Cheney leaked the name of an operative (AMERICAN) CIA agent because he was pissed that the agent's husband was questioning the info that the administration was cherry picking to get them into a war. Oh, right, that was libby...

Yes, four more years were great for America.

Now, c'mon Plog, throw that "You don't know what you're talking about, Michael Moore, blah blah."

The facts are real. They aren't cooked up by a liberal media. They are as real Genesis Skye's gaping bung.

As for giving a shit... I couldn't. I think Bush is "a heck of a job" running America into the ground and the rest of the world just continues to watch in awe as dumb fucks like Phlog continue to defend him.

Plog, when they do implement the draft, I sure as shit hope that you're the first fucker over there taking a bullet in the head. Maybe if you make it back over, wounded, you can be arrested and escorted out of the Presidential address by armed security because, well, they don't like the shirt you're wearing. That's America baby!