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#155638 - 03/26/06 04:54 PM A True American Charlie Sheen on the 9/11 cover-up
gonzo420 Offline
AC Cream Wannabe

Registered: 12/02/05
Posts: 458
Loc: the ATL
Actor Charlie Sheen Questions Official 9/11 Story
Calls for truly independent investigation, joins growing ranks of prominent credible whistleblowers

Alex Jones & Paul Joseph Watson/Prison Planet.com | March 20 2006

Actor Charlie Sheen has joined a growing army of other highly credible public figures in questioning the official story of 9/11 and calling for a new independent investigation of the attack and the circumstances surrounding it.

Over the past two years, scores of highly regarded individuals have gone public to express their serious doubts about 9/11. These include former presidential advisor and CIA analyst Ray McGovern, the father of Reaganomics and former Assistant Secretary of the US Treasury Paul Craig Roberts, BYU physics Professor Steven Jones, former German defense minister Andreas von Buelow, former MI5 officer David Shayler, former Blair cabinet member Michael Meacher, former Chief Economist for the Department of Labor during President George W. Bush's first term Morgan Reynolds and many more.

Speaking to The Alex Jones Show on the GCN Radio Network, the star of current hit comedy show Two and a Half Men and dozens of movies including Platoon and Young Guns, Sheen elaborated on why he had problems believing the government's version of events.

Sheen agreed that the biggest conspiracy theory was put out by the government itself and prefaced his argument by quoting Theodore Roosevelt in stating, "That we are to stand by the President right or wrong is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public."

"We're not the conspiracy theorists on this particular issue," said Sheen.

"It seems to me like 19 amateurs with box cutters taking over four commercial airliners and hitting 75% of their targets, that feels like a conspiracy theory. It raises a lot of questions."

Sheen described the climate of acceptance for serious discussion about 9/11 as being far more fertile than it was a couple of years ago.

"It feels like from the people I talk to in and around my circles, it seems like the worm is turning."

Suspicious collapse of buildings

Sheen described his immediate skepticism regarding the official reason for the collapse of the twin towers and building 7 on the day of 9/11.

"I was up early and we were gonna do a pre-shoot on Spin City, the show I used to do, I was watching the news and the north tower was burning. I saw the south tower hit live, that famous wide shot where it disappears behind the building and then we see the tremendous fireball."

"There was a feeling, it just didn't look any commercial jetliner I've flown on any time in my life and then when the buildings came down later on that day I said to my brother 'call me insane, but did it sorta look like those buildings came down in a controlled demolition'?"

Sheen said that most people's gut instinct, that the buildings had been deliberately imploded, was washed away by the incessant flood of the official version of events from day one.

Sheen questioned the plausibility of a fireballs traveling 1100 feet down an elevator shaft and causing damage to the lobbies of the towers as seen in video footage, especially when contrasted with eyewitness accounts of bombs and explosions in the basement levels of the buildings.

Regarding building 7, which wasn't hit by a plane, Sheen highlighted the use of the term "pull," a demolition industry term for pulling the outer walls of the building towards the center in an implosion, as was used by Larry Silverstein in a September 2002 PBS documentary when he said that the decision to "pull" building 7 was made before its collapse. This technique ensures the building collapses in its own footprint and can clearly be seen during the collapse of building 7 with the classic 'crimp' being visible.

The highly suspicious collapse of building 7 and the twin towers has previously been put under the spotlight by physics Professor Steven Jones and Kevin Ryan of Underwriters Laboratories, the company that certified the steel components used in the construction of the World Trade Center towers.

"The term 'pull' is as common to the demolition world as 'action and 'cut' are to the movie world," said Sheen.

Sheen referenced firefighters in the buildings who were eyewitnesses to demolition style implosions and bombs.

"This is not you or I watching the videos and speculating on what we saw, these are gentlemen inside the buildings at the very point of collapse."

"If there's a problem with building 7 then there's a problem with the whole thing," said Sheen.

Bush's behavior on 9/11

Sheen then questioned President Bush's actions on 9/11 and his location at the Booker Elementary School in Florida. Once Andy Card had whispered to Bush that America was under attack why didn't the secret service immediately whisk Bush away to a secret location?

By remaining at a location where it was publicly known the President would be before 9/11, he was not only putting his own life in danger, but the lives of hundreds of schoolchildren. That is unless the government knew for sure what the targets were beforehand and that President Bush wasn't one of them.

"It seems to me that upon the revelation of that news that the secret service would grab the President as if he was on fire and remove him from that room," said Sheen.

The question of how Bush saw the first plane hit the north tower, when no live footage of that incident was carried, an assertion that Bush repeated twice, was also put under the spotlight.

"I guess one of the perks of being President is that you get access to TV channels that don't exist in the known universe," said Sheen.

"It might lead you to believe that he'd seen similar images in some type of rehearsal as it were, I don't know."

The Pentagon incident

Sheen outlined his disbelief that the official story of what happened at the Pentagon matched the physical evidence.

"Show us this incredible maneuvering, just show it to us. Just show us how this particular plane pulled off these maneuvers. 270 degree turn at 500 miles and hour descending 7,000 feet in two and a half minutes, skimming across treetops the last 500 meters."

We have not been able to confirm that a large commercial airliner hit the Pentagon because the government has seized and refused to release any footage that would show the impact.

"I understand in the interest of national security that maybe not release the Pentagon cameras but what about the Sheraton, what about the gas station, what about the Department of Transportation freeway cam? What about all these shots that had this thing perfectly documented? Instead they put out five frames that they claim not to have authorized, it's really suspicious," said Sheen.

Sheen also questioned how the plane basically disappeared into the Pentagon with next to no wreckage and no indication of what happened to the wing sections.

Concerning how the Bush administration had finalized Afghanistan war plans two days before 9/11 with the massing of 44,000 US troops and 18,000 British troops in Tajikistan and Uzbekistan, and in addition the call for "some catastrophic and catalyzing event - like a new Pearl Harbor," as outlined in the PNAC documents, Sheen stated, "you don't really put those strategies together overnight do you for a major invasion? Those are really well calculated and really well planned."

"Coincidence? We think not," said Sheen and he called the PNAC quotes "emblematic of the arrogance of this administration."

A real investigation

Sheen joined others in calling for a revised and truly independent investigation of 9/11.

Sheen said that "September 11 wasn't the Zapruder film, it was the Zapruder film festival," and that the inquiry had to be, "headed, if this is possible, by some neutral investigative committee. What if we used retired political foreign nationals? What if we used experts that don't have any ties whatsoever to this administration?"

"It is up to us to reveal the truth. It is up to us because we owe it to the families, we owe it to the victims. We owe it to everybody's life who was drastically altered, horrifically that day and forever. We owe it to them to uncover what happened."

Charlie Sheen joins the rest of his great family and notably his father Martin Sheen, who has lambasted for opposing the Iraq war before it had begun yet has now been proven right in triplicate, in using his prominent public platform to stand for truth and justice and we applaud and salute his brave efforts, remembering Mark Twain's quote.

"In the beginning of a change, the patriot is a scarce man, brave, hated, and scorned. When his cause succeeds however, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot."

Charlie Sheen is a brave American and should be given credit for his courage to be the 1st celebrity to come out on the 9/11 cover-up..
"mmmmm.. nuthin says lovin like...eating babies!!!"-Sierra Sinn

#155639 - 03/26/06 05:02 PM Re: A True American Charlie Sheen on the 9/11 cover-up
reviewerboy Offline
Max Hardcore Prison Bitch

Registered: 01/07/06
Posts: 311
When Charlie speaks, the world listens!

#155640 - 03/26/06 05:04 PM Re: A True American Charlie Sheen on the 9/11 cove
loopnode Offline
Porn Jesus

Registered: 01/12/05
Posts: 7322
Loc: The Children's Limbo
I think by now everyone knows Charlie Sheen is as credible as a Tupac Shakur citing. The guy throws around the word "conspiracy" like it's given for free at the stupid parties he attends at Mullholland Drive. And I wouldn't be surprised if he checks this forum either...so here is a lil' something for Charlie and his fans.

149270-fat_woman.jpg (3 downloads)

I hit her with the hammer on top of the head. She made a lot of noise and kept on making noise, so I hit her again.

#155641 - 03/26/06 05:05 PM Re: A True American Charlie Sheen on the 9/11 cove
reviewerboy Offline
Max Hardcore Prison Bitch

Registered: 01/07/06
Posts: 311

I think by now everyone knows Charlie Sheen is as credible as a Tupac Shakur citing. The guy throws around the word "conspiracy" like it's given for free at the stupid parties he attends at Mullholland Drive. And I wouldn't be surprised if he checks this forum either...

Remember awhile back, Charlie alledgedly notified the FBI that the Guinea Pig movies that he saw at some party were actual snuff films.

The guy jumps to conclusions before getting the facts.

Hey Charlie, or Charles, er, loved you in Postmortem. Albert Pyun is the fuckin' man!

#155642 - 03/26/06 05:08 PM Re: A True American Charlie Sheen on the 9/11 cove
loopnode Offline
Porn Jesus

Registered: 01/12/05
Posts: 7322
Loc: The Children's Limbo
The man has done worse in his life, he's just lucky he bought himself the privacy to keep it out of the public ear.
I hit her with the hammer on top of the head. She made a lot of noise and kept on making noise, so I hit her again.

#155643 - 03/26/06 05:10 PM Re: A True American Charlie Sheen on the 9/11 cove
reviewerboy Offline
Max Hardcore Prison Bitch

Registered: 01/07/06
Posts: 311

The man has done worse in his life, he's just lucky he bought himself the privacy to keep it out of the public ear.

He'll write a book someday.

#155644 - 03/26/06 05:16 PM Re: A True American Charlie Sheen on the 9/11 cove
gonzo420 Offline
AC Cream Wannabe

Registered: 12/02/05
Posts: 458
Loc: the ATL
CHALLENGE HIM ON THE FACTS!!! What Charlie Sheen did in his past and the facts of the 9/11 coverup are two TOTALLY Different subjects and have absolutly nothing to do with eachother..He is just a true american and has put his neck on the line about what really happened on 9/11!!

84% agree with Charlie Sheen that the government covered up 9/11(cnn.com/showbiztonight)

I love the same response that everyone gives...Its Charlie Sheen, he's not credible!! LOOK AT THE FACTS PEOPLE!! I DIDN'T ASK YOU TO COMMENT ON CHARLIE SHEEN's PAST, DID I??? Over the past two years, scores of highly regarded individuals have gone public to express their serious doubts about 9/11. These include former presidential advisor and CIA analyst Ray McGovern, the father of Reaganomics and former Assistant Secretary of the US Treasury Paul Craig Roberts, BYU physics Professor Steven Jones, former German defense minister Andreas von Buelow, former MI5 officer David Shayler, former Blair cabinet member Michael Meacher, former Chief Economist for the Department of Labor during President George W. Bush's first term Morgan Reynolds,Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney and many more!!

If you can just stop and look at the facts of 9/11 and what the government told us, then you will understand that there is a coverup!! CHALLENGE CHARLIE ON THE FACTS..THATS ALL!!

"mmmmm.. nuthin says lovin like...eating babies!!!"-Sierra Sinn

#155645 - 03/26/06 05:18 PM Re: A True American Charlie Sheen on the 9/11 cove
jamesn Offline
Porn Jesus

Registered: 04/17/04
Posts: 6005
Loc: travieso capital management an...
do you know how BATSHIT(bornyo, 2005) at least one out of those people you mentioned happen to be?
"She has no waist, no arse...an interesting face...but all we are really worshipping is two bags of silicone"

Martin Amis "honoring" katie price with a character bearing some of her traits

#155646 - 03/26/06 05:21 PM Re: A True American Charlie Sheen on the 9/11 cove
loopnode Offline
Porn Jesus

Registered: 01/12/05
Posts: 7322
Loc: The Children's Limbo
Oh man- sometimes I wish I knew who checked this forum so I could spill some beans. Fsckit- enjoy this chick holding a screwdriver. You know what that means right?
P.S. gonzo420: I don't know who you are, but you must like Charlie a lot. I hope you enjoyed the picture of the heavy ebony beauty I posted. Actually I hope all Charlie fans enjoy that picture.

149284-screwdriver.jpg (3 downloads)

I hit her with the hammer on top of the head. She made a lot of noise and kept on making noise, so I hit her again.

#155647 - 03/26/06 06:38 PM Re: A True American Charlie Sheen on the 9/11 cove
Phlogiston Offline
Human Garbage

Registered: 09/13/05
Posts: 1594
Loc: The "Phlogbox", apparently.

Sheen described his immediate skepticism regarding the official reason for the collapse of the twin towers and building 7 on the day of 9/11.

Wow! An actor and a structural engineer!

Oh, wait...he's not and engineer at all? Did he even graduate high school? Nope. In fact, he was expelled from high school for getting poor grades.

Charlie represents the critical thinking skills of the Moonbats, folks. Nothing to see here. Just another aging pretty-boy actor who has lapsed into psychosis, just like Tom Cruise or John Travolta. Move along.

#155648 - 03/26/06 07:32 PM Re: A True American Charlie Sheen on the 9/11 cove
gonzo420 Offline
AC Cream Wannabe

Registered: 12/02/05
Posts: 458
Loc: the ATL
Did I say Charlie is a structural engenineer?? He is a Hollywood Celebrity that is bringing light to the DISTURBING FACTS of 9/11..Many engenineers have already stated that the World Trade Centers was "PULLED" and was a controlled demolition!!! GET THE FACTS THEN FUCKING POST YOUR MORONIC STUPID NEO-CON STATEMENTS!!! Charlie is a true american that has brought more attention to this story than it has EVER GOTTEN!! Why dont you see this story in the mainstream media?? Because the mainstream media is controlled by the government..THE COVERUP IS TRUE ANDTHE TRUTH WILL COME OUT EVENTUALLY!!!
"mmmmm.. nuthin says lovin like...eating babies!!!"-Sierra Sinn

#155649 - 03/26/06 08:31 PM Re: A True American Charlie Sheen on the 9/11 cove
loopnode Offline
Porn Jesus

Registered: 01/12/05
Posts: 7322
Loc: The Children's Limbo

Did I say Charlie is a structural engenineer?? He is a Hollywood Celebrity that is bringing light to the DISTURBING FACTS of 9/11..Many engenineers have already stated that the World Trade Centers was "PULLED" and was a controlled demolition!!! GET THE FACTS THEN FUCKING POST YOUR MORONIC STUPID NEO-CON STATEMENTS!!! Charlie is a true american that has brought more attention to this story than it has EVER GOTTEN!! Why dont you see this story in the mainstream media?? Because the mainstream media is controlled by the government..THE COVERUP IS TRUE ANDTHE TRUTH WILL COME OUT EVENTUALLY!!!

149337-creepyewok6yq.gif.png (3 downloads)

I hit her with the hammer on top of the head. She made a lot of noise and kept on making noise, so I hit her again.

#155650 - 03/26/06 08:33 PM Re: A True American Charlie Sheen on the 9/11 cove
Phlogiston Offline
Human Garbage

Registered: 09/13/05
Posts: 1594
Loc: The "Phlogbox", apparently.
You know Gonzo has lots of intelligent things to say when you see how many exclamation points he uses.

#155651 - 03/26/06 08:33 PM Re: A True American Charlie Sheen on the 9/11 cove
Pericles Offline
Max Hardcore Prison Bitch

Registered: 05/06/04
Posts: 300

#155652 - 03/27/06 02:05 AM Re: A True American Charlie Sheen on the 9/11 cove
reviewerboy Offline
Max Hardcore Prison Bitch

Registered: 01/07/06
Posts: 311

Anyone who even bothers to look into the circumstances leading up to 911, and the strange coincidences that it involved, will surely come away thinking that something very odd was in the works.

As for Hollywood giving Americans four more years of Bush. Not likely. The right wing assholes like Phlogiston who voted them back in have only have themselves to blame.

US DEFICIT: 430 Billion (that's billion)

I personally love the video of George Bush discussing, just after Katrina, that "Nobody Could Have Predicted...". Then, the videotape of him sitting like a dim wit, the night before Katrina, not saying a word because he had a fund-raiser to get too the next morning.

By the way, we were all sad to hear that Bush wasn't able to sell off security on 6 major US ports to those towel heads. We are all rooting for it. What have Muslims ever done to you guys? Yup, your President, George Bush, was sure as shit going to veto it if the towel heads weren't able to buy it. At least Bush puts his Muslim business interests ahead of the American people!

How's the leak investigation going by the way? Is it true that Dick Cheney leaked the name of an operative (AMERICAN) CIA agent because he was pissed that the agent's husband was questioning the info that the administration was cherry picking to get them into a war. Oh, right, that was libby...

Yes, four more years were great for America.

Now, c'mon Plog, throw that "You don't know what you're talking about, Michael Moore, blah blah."

The facts are real. They aren't cooked up by a liberal media. They are as real Genesis Skye's gaping bung.

As for giving a shit... I couldn't. I think Bush is "a heck of a job" running America into the ground and the rest of the world just continues to watch in awe as dumb fucks like Phlog continue to defend him.

Plog, when they do implement the draft, I sure as shit hope that you're the first fucker over there taking a bullet in the head. Maybe if you make it back over, wounded, you can be arrested and escorted out of the Presidential address by armed security because, well, they don't like the shirt you're wearing. That's America baby!

#155653 - 03/27/06 02:12 AM Re: A True American Charlie Sheen on the 9/11 cove
reviewerboy Offline
Max Hardcore Prison Bitch

Registered: 01/07/06
Posts: 311
And before you dumb Bush-ass kissing morons jump on me about being a leftie...

I'm a McCain man. He's a straight shooter with upper management written all over him.

#155654 - 03/27/06 03:08 AM Re: A True American Charlie Sheen on the 9/11 cove
Phlogiston Offline
Human Garbage

Registered: 09/13/05
Posts: 1594
Loc: The "Phlogbox", apparently.

Now, c'mon Plog, throw that "You don't know what you're talking about, Michael Moore, blah blah."

If your argument had any merit, you'd have a far better spokesman than a syphilitic and untalented "actor" who got his career through his father. You did follow my link and learned Charlie flunked out of high school, right? In this sense, you'd be better off if I slimed you with Michael Moore.

When the mainstream body of engineers and scientists are preaching these theories, I may listen. Right now, it's just the lunatics as documented in C62's Hippie Pix thread.


As for giving a shit... I couldn't. I think Bush is "a heck of a job" running America into the ground and the rest of the world just continues to watch in awe as dumb fucks like Phlog continue to defend him.

I'm not such a Bush fan, but he makes the right enemies: Islamic terrorists, Europeans, unhinged American leftists, piss-ant South American dictators, and all the rest. I wish I could piss off these subhumans like he does.


Plog, when they do implement the draft, I sure as shit hope that you're the first fucker over there taking a bullet in the head.

Love you too, babe!


Maybe if you make it back over, wounded, you can be arrested and escorted out of the Presidential address by armed security because, well, they don't like the shirt you're wearing. That's America baby!

Oh yeah...someone might violate my "civil right" to stand uninvited on property closed to the public. Kindly find me where I have the constitutional "right" to trespass, as alpha-Moonbat Cindy Sheehan did. Personally, I wish the cops rammed a plunger up her ass - Abner Louima style.

Oh yeah: McCain was a white collar criminal long before Libs learned to scream "Enron" and "Halliburton". Read about the Keating Five sometime and how McCain was the only Republican among them. Lincoln Savings & Loan makes Enron look like a child's failed lemonade stand, and the Manchurian Senator was ass-deep in it.

#155655 - 03/27/06 04:59 AM Re: A True American Charlie Sheen on the 9/11 cove
The Ghost Is Toast Offline

Registered: 10/21/05
Posts: 2710
McCain is a consumate asshat who wants to ban UFC, but not boxing.

As for Charlie Sheen, I have to respect a man who's been balls deep in Denise Richards. But Phlog, if you do a little reading, you'll find he's just parroting what a lot of qualified people have said...you don't really expect him to be capable of original thought do you?

To borrow a line from Team America:

'As actors, it is our responsibility to read the newspapers, and then say what we read on television like it's our own opinion'

#155656 - 03/27/06 05:12 AM Re: A True American Charlie Sheen on the 9/11 cove
JRV Offline
Porn Jesus

Registered: 08/03/03
Posts: 5849
Loc: TX, USA

As for Hollywood giving Americans four more years of Bush. Not likely.

"Hollywood" perhaps not, but the Left yes. That was the most winnable election in a long time, and the Democrats blew it by nominating a bad candidate. They gambled that Bush looked so bad that a liberal from Massachusetts would be acceptable and they lost.
"If they can't picture me with a knife, forcing them to strip in an alley, I don't want any part of it. It's humiliating." - windsock

#155657 - 03/27/06 10:32 AM Re: A True American Charlie Sheen on the 9/11 cove
Evil Klown Offline
Gay For Pay

Registered: 02/04/05
Posts: 1024

And before you dumb Bush-ass kissing morons jump on me about being a leftie...

I'm a McCain man. He's a straight shooter with upper management written all over him.

Sen. McCain's bukkake with the Keating Five

#155658 - 03/27/06 10:37 AM Re: A True American Charlie Sheen on the 9/11 cove
Rob Longshot Offline
Chronic Masturbator

Registered: 12/22/03
Posts: 1715
Loc: Everything for the people, not...
jesus, fucking liberal nutjobs. Look the took planes that went boom, we went and said fine, lets kill everyone who looks like 'em, just to be sure no rats survive. Should we have said that in the first place instead of the other bullshit reasons we came up with... YES! but it doesnt change the fact that we are doing the world a good cleansing at the very least.
Theres a great big beautiful tomorrow...shining at the end of everyday.

#155659 - 03/27/06 11:00 AM Re: A True American Charlie Sheen on the 9/11 cove
Cleetus VanDamme Offline
Porn Jesus

Registered: 04/19/04
Posts: 7888
Loc: Carpathian Mountains
Clone former Yugoslav leader Slobodan Milosevic, install said clones in every Middle Eastern country.
"Some say I'm lazy and others say that is just me. Some say I'm crazy, I guess I'll always be"

#155660 - 03/27/06 11:53 AM Re: A True American Charlie Sheen on the 9/11 cove
reviewerboy Offline
Max Hardcore Prison Bitch

Registered: 01/07/06
Posts: 311

If your argument had any merit, you'd have a far better spokesman than a syphilitic and untalented "actor" who got his career through his father.

Phlog, I ain't getting into it with you. You're the biggest right wing propagandist on this board.

You shout baseless rhetorical nonsense over and over, and your arguments go far in pointing out how ignorant you really are. You take whatever the administration tells you, and you assume that it must be true. You never question anything they say, so, debating you my friend would be tantamount to wasting my time.

Even c62 was able to back up his words. You, on the other hand, are the right wing equivalent of Michael Moore. You're an ignorant moron. By the way, I don't fucking care if you served in the Navy, Army, or whatever crazy posturing you're selling this week.

Now, I'm done with you -- peacocking around like a fucking twit. Fuck off and sell your shit elsewhere.

#155661 - 03/27/06 05:10 PM Re: A True American Charlie Sheen on the 9/11 cove
Phlogiston Offline
Human Garbage

Registered: 09/13/05
Posts: 1594
Loc: The "Phlogbox", apparently.

Phlog, I ain't getting into it with you. You're the biggest right wing propagandist on this board.

Awww...too bad. Having drawn out all the leftist paranoiacs, I wanted to amuse myself with the biggest idiot amongst them.


You shout baseless rhetorical nonsense over and over, and your arguments go far in pointing out how ignorant you really are. You take whatever the administration tells you, and you assume that it must be true. You never question anything they say, so, debating you my friend would be tantamount to wasting my time.

Forgive me for not meditating on the wise engineering-related ruminations of a high school flunk-out like Sheen or his fellow tinfoil hat-wearers at prisonplanet.com.


Even c62 was able to back up his words. You, on the other hand, are the right wing equivalent of Michael Moore.

I'm sure C62 thanks you for your sweet words. If you ask nicely, he might let you suck his cock.


You're an ignorant moron. By the way, I don't fucking care if you served in the Navy, Army, or whatever crazy posturing you're selling this week.

Now, I'm done with you -- peacocking around like a fucking twit. Fuck off and sell your shit elsewhere.

All that name-calling! I suppose the erudite structural engineering savant Charlie Sheen couldn't help you say something worthwhile?

God, I love the smell of whiny liberals in the morning! Whining liberals smell like victory!

#155662 - 03/27/06 05:24 PM Re: A True American Charlie Sheen on the 9/11 cove
reviewerboy Offline
Max Hardcore Prison Bitch

Registered: 01/07/06
Posts: 311

I'm sure C62 thanks you for your sweet words. If you ask nicely, he might let you suck his cock.

Sounds like you speak from experience. Tell us, do you swallow Phlog? God, you're always talking about sucking off guys. Yessir, you brought up the whole dick sucking thing, not me pal. Phlog, come out of the closet and tell us all why you joined the Navy, Army, whatever. Tell us why you wanted to shower with the 'pretty, oh so pretty' boys.

I found you a tattoo even;

By the way, what the fuck are you talking about victory? Are you fucking retarded? Do you have any idea how ridiculous you sound when you start talking like that? You're on a porn message board. Start with a clue, then work backwards.

#155663 - 03/27/06 06:21 PM Re: A True American Charlie Sheen on the 9/11 cove
Phlogiston Offline
Human Garbage

Registered: 09/13/05
Posts: 1594
Loc: The "Phlogbox", apparently.
Project your homosexuality on someone else, boy. We know that you like Jolie because she lived your fantasy of getting anally bare-backed by a gang of trannies.

#155664 - 03/27/06 06:26 PM Re: A True American Charlie Sheen on the 9/11 cove
reviewerboy Offline
Max Hardcore Prison Bitch

Registered: 01/07/06
Posts: 311

Project your homosexuality on someone else, boy. We know that you like Jolie because she lived your fantasy of getting anally bare-backed by a gang of trannies.

what the fuck are you talking about?

You brought up the whole man sucking thing. You can't deal with your own homosexuality then don't be bringing it up. God, how fucking stupid are you?

When are you signing up again so you can get that dick yer craving?

#155665 - 03/27/06 06:34 PM Re: A True American Charlie Sheen on the 9/11 cove
Phlogiston Offline
Human Garbage

Registered: 09/13/05
Posts: 1594
Loc: The "Phlogbox", apparently.
If anyone knows about getting dick, it's San Franthisco bathhouse bitch liberals like you. I have the feeling the only time you aren't sucking cock is when you attend Cindy Sheehan protests.

#155666 - 03/27/06 06:35 PM Re: A True American Charlie Sheen on the 9/11 cove
reviewerboy Offline
Max Hardcore Prison Bitch

Registered: 01/07/06
Posts: 311

If anyone knows about getting dick, it's San Franthisco bathhouse bitch liberals like you. I have the feeling the only time you aren't sucking cock is when you attend Cindy Sheehan protests.

Bath house? What's that? In san Francisco? Is that a place where you shore leave homos stop off to get some?

#155667 - 03/27/06 06:40 PM Re: A True American Charlie Sheen on the 9/11 cove
Phlogiston Offline
Human Garbage

Registered: 09/13/05
Posts: 1594
Loc: The "Phlogbox", apparently.
That's right liberal. Pretend you don't know what a bathhouse is and nobody will suspect you. BTW, you know that virtually all gays are LIBERALS, right? You ought to be at home amongst them.

I figure in between sucking HIV+ cocks, you can tell them your 9/11 conspiracies.

#155668 - 03/27/06 06:43 PM Re: A True American Charlie Sheen on the 9/11 cove
reviewerboy Offline
Max Hardcore Prison Bitch

Registered: 01/07/06
Posts: 311

That's right liberal. Pretend you don't know what a bathhouse is and nobody will suspect you. BTW, you know that virtually all gays are LIBERALS, right? You ought to be at home amongst them.

I figure in between sucking HIV+ cocks, you can tell them your 9/11 conspiracies.

Once again, you brought it up.

Fucking faggot. Suck somebody elses dick cuz you aint sucking mine!

#155669 - 03/27/06 06:47 PM Re: A True American Charlie Sheen on the 9/11 cove
Phlogiston Offline
Human Garbage

Registered: 09/13/05
Posts: 1594
Loc: The "Phlogbox", apparently.
I don't do that gay stuff, but I must express shock that you even have a dick. You sound like a whiny little Democrat-voting soccer mom.

#155670 - 03/27/06 11:26 PM Re: A True American Charlie Sheen on the 9/11 cove
Mook Offline
Rob Black's Crack Pipe

Registered: 12/10/05
Posts: 55
Would you consider yourself a fiscal or social conservative?
"just a sack with a hole in it that cums" (Blue qtd. in Jordan).

#155671 - 03/28/06 10:39 AM Re: A True American Charlie Sheen on the 9/11 cove
Phlogiston Offline
Human Garbage

Registered: 09/13/05
Posts: 1594
Loc: The "Phlogbox", apparently.

Would you consider yourself a fiscal or social conservative?

Fiscal conservative. Socially, I have more of a libertarian bent.

#155672 - 03/28/06 09:36 PM Re: A True American Charlie Sheen on the 9/11 cove
Mook Offline
Rob Black's Crack Pipe

Registered: 12/10/05
Posts: 55


Would you consider yourself a fiscal or social conservative?

Fiscal conservative. Socially, I have more of a libertarian bent.

Okay. I suppose, then, that it is not entirely incongruous to find you on a porn discussion forum, but isn't even your admittedly lukewarm support of the Bush administration somewhat inconsistent with your stated libertarian views? (I'm sure that I do not have to recite for you the litany of invasive policies that W, Ashcroft, et al. have put in place post 9/11.)
I know nothing of Alex Jones, but I did find this on Reference.com. You may want to file this in the strange bedfellows category:
"Jones' politics are essentially libertarian; he is an outspoken advocate of American Constitutional minimalism in government and extensive individual liberties, and vehemently opposed to crony capitalism and institutions furthering these causes."
"just a sack with a hole in it that cums" (Blue qtd. in Jordan).

#155673 - 03/29/06 10:35 AM Re: A True American Charlie Sheen on the 9/11 cove
Phlogiston Offline
Human Garbage

Registered: 09/13/05
Posts: 1594
Loc: The "Phlogbox", apparently.

I suppose, then, that it is not entirely incongruous to find you on a porn discussion forum, but isn't even your admittedly lukewarm support of the Bush administration somewhat inconsistent with your stated libertarian views?

I support Bush at times and often I don't. I like his forcing of the Justice Department to acknowledge the 2nd Amendment as an individual right to bear arms, rather than the Clintonian "collective right" of states to form citizen militias, for example. I strongly dislike his 2257 policies that forced purveyors of lawful porn to keep unreasonably burdensome records, his insane spending and debt accumulation, his support for a "war on drugs", among many other things.

The one thing that gets me tagged as a "Bush lover" is my support for fighting terrorism and an aggressive foreign policy. This brings on the cliches of "why aren't you in Iraq?", "chickenhawk", "war for oil", and all the other things the left was programmed to say by too many viewings of Fahrenheit 9/11. (My fave: "You're the reason everyone hates America".)

Hope all is well and something has been clarified.

#155674 - 03/29/06 01:08 PM Re: A True American Charlie Sheen on the 9/11 cove
gonzo420 Offline
AC Cream Wannabe

Registered: 12/02/05
Posts: 458
Loc: the ATL
Thank GOD that some of you are researching and seeing the facts of 9/11, the rest of you are so GLIM to what really happened on the Day of Sept 11th. The US Government carried out the attacks on the World Trade Center,the Pentagon(which wasn't even a plane) on 9/11. PLEASE CHECK OUT THE FACTS!!
Charlie Sheen isn't our spokeperson, he is just a TRUE AMERICAN that has a tremedous amount of courage to come out on what he believes in and what ALOT OF OTHER PEOPLE BELIEVE about 9/11! All you NEO-CON'S that BASH Charlie Sheen about his behavior a few years ago to downplay the actual facts of what were talking about...NOT ONE OF YOU HAS CHALLENGED HIM on any of the NUMEROUS Facts about 9/11??? Your so confident that the US GOVERNMENT didn't have anything to do with 9/11..But yet all you can do is say.."Charlie Sheen, isn't he dead".."Charlie Sheen isn't any kind of spokesperson." Give me a fucking break..CHALLENGE HIM ON THE FACTS PEOPLE!! You need to open your EYES, because the TRUTH IS COMING OUT ON 9/11!!
"mmmmm.. nuthin says lovin like...eating babies!!!"-Sierra Sinn

#155675 - 03/29/06 01:15 PM Re: A True American Charlie Sheen on the 9/11 cove
gonzo420 Offline
AC Cream Wannabe

Registered: 12/02/05
Posts: 458
Loc: the ATL
Charlie Sheen: 'Challenge Me On the Facts'
Actor's first response since media firestorm over 9/11 comments

Paul Joseph Watson & Alex Jones/Prison Planet.com | March 24 2006

Charlie Sheen has responded publicly for the first time since the media firestorm over his comments by challenging his detractors to debate him on the evidence of 9/11 and not issues relating to his personal life.

"I am an American citizen that loves my country and as a citizen with my passion for this great country I demand that I be challenged on the facts not on immature behavior from twenty years ago," said Sheen.

"If they continue to attack me personally it only gives credence to our side of the argument."

Sheen elaborated on how developments during the course of the week had unfolded and his reaction to them.

"All I can say is wow! Wow! this has been some kind of week I can tell you."

Sheen tipped his hat to A.J. Hammer and CNN's Showbiz Tonight for having the guts to cover the story and give 9/11 skeptics a balanced platform on which to discuss the issues. He called the CNN poll showing around 82% support his stance on 9/11 an "inspiration" and "staggering" but Sheen also outlined the fact that he was not entirely surprised by the outcome. Sheen said he was encouraged by the support shown on blogs and message boards across the Internet.

The poll directly contradicts a line of attack used on a Hannity and Colmes piece Thursday night which claimed that Sheen's views didn't reflect the mainstream of America. If we are to treat an 82% majority as the mainstream then that accusation is completely fraudulent.

Sheen addressed the attack pieces generated from his comments.

"The majority of them, in fact 90% of them, were attacking me personally, were attacking my credibility, were attacking my observational or talents of insight or observance and what they did not attack is the specific points that you and I raised, the points that generate the most controversy about the events," Sheen told the Alex Jones Show.

"For anyone to have any kind of opinion on something that warrants an opinion I guess you have to be squeaky clean."

Sheen made the point that the hit pieces singled out his quotes relating to his first reaction to 9/11, and in particular the suspicious collapse of the buildings, but deliberately avoided the hardcore evidence he later presented, making him appear uninformed when in fact he had documented why he had serious doubts about the official story.

"I was vilified for expressing my feelings about what I saw and I was demonized for expressing my gut reaction to what I saw."

Even so, both Dan Rather and Peter Jennings' gut instincts were that the collapse of the buildings looked like controlled demolition so Sheen is hardly on a skinny branch in simply stating what common sense told him at the time.

"When they pigeon-hole me into the tin foil hat wearing conspiracy knuckle-head brigade they don't mention those quotes by Peter Jennings and Dan Rather," said Sheen.

Sheen responded to the claims made by National Geographic producer Nicole Rittenmeyer aired by CNN on Wednesday night. Rittenmeyer insinuated that her conclusions on 9/11 were credible simply due to the fact that the series she produced had high viewing figures.

"This woman based all of her credibility on the ratings that the show received and I find that ludicrous because what that speaks to is people's interest. Whether you believe the official story or you're curious about an alternate viewpoint so she kind of shot herself in the foot talking about 'this is the base of my credibility', 'this is why I'm right, because a lot of people watched it', you know I could say the same thing about the reaction to my comments this week....but I'm not saying that I'm just here to remind people that the only credibility that I need is what I have and that is as an upstanding taxpaying American citizen who loves his country and who refuses to stand by as this level of insanity is blanketed over obvious truths."

Sheen reiterated his main focus as being on what caused Building 7, which wasn't hit by a plane, to become only the third steel building in history to collapse from fire damage (the other two being the twin towers). Photographs taken prior to the building's collapse show minor fires before it falls in a textbook demolition fashion.

"If there's a problem with Building 7 then there's a problem with the whole damn thing and guess what? There's a serious problem with Building 7," said Sheen.

Sheen demanded that Larry Silverstein, the owner of the WTC complex, explain what he meant when he told a September 2002 PBS documentary 'America Rebuilds' that the decision was made to "pull" the building, which is a demolition term for deliberate implosion.

"When someone makes a statement like that I think it warrants a follow up response," said Sheen.

"In fact you know what I'll come right out and say that I'm personally requesting a direct answer from Mr. Silverstein about what he meant....give him my number tell him to call me I'm just curious. Tell him to call CNN tell him to call somebody because you cannot make a statement like that and not follow it up, and not back it up and not explain it."

"Anyone that cannot view this as a controlled demolition, I would have to say that their chair was not facing the television. Anyone that can look at this and say 'yes, that is a random event caused by fire' really needs psychiatric evaluation," said Sheen.

Sheen challenged the mainstream media to run a poll on Building 7 asking if viewers believe from video evidence that the building was brought down by means of controlled implosion.

Sheen again underscored his challenge to his detractors to debate him on the evidence and not idle gossip about his private life and his family.

"I ask that they look at the evidence and they debate myself, yourself, people that support us on those specific issues. Not about me personally, not about what they think about me personally not about what they think they know about me personally, just about the facts. I issue that challenge."

Sheen expressed his excitement at the response that his stance received and hinted that this was only the beginning of the journey.

"It feels like you and I have started the revolution and God bless America," said Sheen in closing.

"mmmmm.. nuthin says lovin like...eating babies!!!"-Sierra Sinn

#155676 - 03/29/06 01:46 PM Re: A True American Charlie Sheen on the 9/11 cove
gonzo420 Offline
AC Cream Wannabe

Registered: 12/02/05
Posts: 458
Loc: the ATL

If your argument had any merit, you'd have a far better spokesman than a syphilitic and untalented "actor" who got his career through his father. You did follow my link and learned Charlie flunked out of high school, right? In this sense, you'd be better off if I slimed you with Michael Moore.
When the mainstream body of engineers and scientists are preaching these theories, I may listen. Right now, it's just the lunatics as documented in C62's Hippie Pix thread.

MAN you really don't know what your talking about PLOG or NEO-CON..Whatever your name is?? You say that only "lunatics" supports the 9/11 coverup and the controlled demolition of the World Trade Centers..huh??
Not only prominet Hollywood Celebrities such as Charlie Sheen and Martin Sheen have come out in support of a TRULY INDEPENDENT INVESTIGATION on 9/11, other credible government officals or as you call them "lunatics"..

These credible people include former presidential advisor and CIA analyst Ray McGovern, the father of Reaganomics and former Assistant Secretary of the US Treasury Paul Craig Roberts, BYU physics Professor Steven Jones, former German defense minister Andreas von Buelow, former MI5 officer David Shayler, former Blair cabinet member Michael Meacher, former Chief Economist for the Department of Labor during President George W. Bush's first term Morgan Reynolds,Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney and many more!!

THANK GOD FOR the TRUE AMERICAN CHARLIE SHEEN FOR Bringing more light to this subject than it has ever gotten..You see more than half of the people are obsessed with celebrites so when A Great American Celbrity like Charlie Sheen comes out on such a FORBIDDEN Subject, people take notice and listen..9/11 IS A COVERUP BY THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT. It won't hurt one bit to just check out the many facts out there!!
FOR ONE: Why have 9 hijackers that were named in the attacks been confirmed to STILL be ALIVE and have done foregin radio interviews,newspaper interviews, and have been photographed after September 11th..Probably because the government wouldn't want you to find out about that!! Its the truth people and THIS STORY IS GROWING BIGGER AND BIGGER!!

"mmmmm.. nuthin says lovin like...eating babies!!!"-Sierra Sinn

#155677 - 03/29/06 03:51 PM Re: A True American Charlie Sheen on the 9/11 cove
Cleetus VanDamme Offline
Porn Jesus

Registered: 04/19/04
Posts: 7888
Loc: Carpathian Mountains
If Emilio Estevez said something I would be inclined to listen but Charlie Sheen.... Pffttt
"Some say I'm lazy and others say that is just me. Some say I'm crazy, I guess I'll always be"

#155678 - 03/29/06 04:14 PM Re: A True American Charlie Sheen on the 9/11 cove
Phlogiston Offline
Human Garbage

Registered: 09/13/05
Posts: 1594
Loc: The "Phlogbox", apparently.

If Emilio Estevez said something I would be inclined to listen but Charlie Sheen.... Pffttt

The nice thing about Charlie and Martin Sheen's defective thinking is that we can reasonably assume the trait is linked to the Y chromosome. No need to forcibly sterilize the daughters.

#155679 - 03/29/06 06:01 PM Re: A True American Charlie Sheen on the 9/11 cove
c62 Offline
Human Garbage

Registered: 07/05/04
Posts: 1545
Loc: In the tree outside Gia Jordan...

I support Bush at times and often I don't. I like his forcing of the Justice Department to acknowledge the 2nd Amendment as an individual right to bear arms, rather than the Clintonian "collective right" of states to form citizen militias, for example. I strongly dislike his 2257 policies that forced purveyors of lawful porn to keep unreasonably burdensome records, his insane spending and debt accumulation,

I with you on this one Phlog, nice to know I don't have to ride the trail alone.


The one thing that gets me tagged as a "Bush lover" is my support for fighting terrorism and an aggressive foreign policy. This brings on the cliches of "why aren't you in Iraq?", "chickenhawk", "war for oil", and all the other things the left was programmed to say by too many viewings of Fahrenheit 9/11. (My fave: "You're the reason everyone hates America".)

I never understood the liberals reasoning along this. If you stand up and say you agree with the GWOT you automatically get branded a "Bush-lover". They don't seem to understand there are other issues to agree/disagree on. Fucking Liberals
If cum was concrete, Quasarman would have a four lane freeway going down his throat. - pariah

#155680 - 03/29/06 06:14 PM Re: A True American Charlie Sheen on the 9/11 cove
Phlogiston Offline
Human Garbage

Registered: 09/13/05
Posts: 1594
Loc: The "Phlogbox", apparently.

I never understood the liberals reasoning along this. If you stand up and say you agree with the GWOT you automatically get branded a "Bush-lover". They don't seem to understand there are other issues to agree/disagree on. Fucking Liberals

Absolutely. Anyone who doesn't worship Michael Moore is a "Bush lover". Ironically, I'd find myself more inclined to like Bush based on their hysterical opposition to him rather than anything Bush could ever do himself.

Another thought:

They think anyone who supports aggressive military action but is not currently enlisted is a "chickenhawk" and is therefore hypocritical to hold that opinion. Everyone wants the LAPD to aggressively pursue gang members but few people are cops or members of the police reserve. Doesn't that mean that everyone is a "chickenhawk" in this regard? Should we want Cops to coddle "gangstas" if we don't want to be "chickenhawks" or can't/don't feel like joining law enforcement?

#155681 - 03/29/06 08:38 PM Re: A True American Charlie Sheen on the 9/11 cove
ChickenMaster Offline
Demon Spawn

Registered: 07/07/04
Posts: 3178
gonzo420 please shoot yourself so I don't have to scroll past your long ass psychotic rants to read decent posts. It will save me lots of time and my finger lots of energy. Thank you in advance for making this a more positive world by ending your life.

#155682 - 03/29/06 08:45 PM Re: A True American Charlie Sheen on the 9/11 cove
Rob Longshot Offline
Chronic Masturbator

Registered: 12/22/03
Posts: 1715
Loc: Everything for the people, not...


I never understood the liberals reasoning along this. If you stand up and say you agree with the GWOT you automatically get branded a "Bush-lover". They don't seem to understand there are other issues to agree/disagree on. Fucking Liberals

Absolutely. Anyone who doesn't worship Michael Moore is a "Bush lover". Ironically, I'd find myself more inclined to like Bush based on their hysterical opposition to him rather than anything Bush could ever do himself.

Another thought:

They think anyone who supports aggressive military action but is not currently enlisted is a "chickenhawk" and is therefore hypocritical to hold that opinion. Everyone wants the LAPD to aggressively pursue gang members but few people are cops or members of the police reserve. Doesn't that mean that everyone is a "chickenhawk" in this regard? Should we want Cops to coddle "gangstas" if we don't want to be "chickenhawks" or can't/don't feel like joining law enforcement?

LAPD would be much more efficient at their job if they didn't have to worry about someone screming "police brutality" every time they had to do what needs done. Thanks ACLU, for making the streets of LA safe.... for drug dealers, gangbangers and illegal mexicans.
Theres a great big beautiful tomorrow...shining at the end of everyday.

#155683 - 03/30/06 12:10 AM Re: A True American Charlie Sheen on the 9/11 cove
Phlogiston Offline
Human Garbage

Registered: 09/13/05
Posts: 1594
Loc: The "Phlogbox", apparently.

LAPD would be much more efficient at their job if they didn't have to worry about someone screming "police brutality" every time they had to do what needs done. Thanks ACLU, for making the streets of LA safe.... for drug dealers, gangbangers and illegal mexicans.

Back when Mobsters ruled Chicago, New York, and every major east coast city, Los Angeles stayed substantially mafia-free. Why? Because when a known Mafioso arrived in Los Angeles, the LAPD would snatch them off the streets, severely beat them, then dump them off in Mulholland with a warning that the next time they showed their faces in LA, they were going to disappear permanently. Los Angeles had plenty of strip clubs, garbage haulers, cement companies, and all the other industries typically plagued by gangsterism but no gangsters mostly due to the effective use of brutality.

Speaking of illegal Mexicans, has anyone else been paying attention to this reconquista of school thugs ditching class to block traffic, wave Mexican flags, and throw bottles at the police? Where's "Bull" Connor when you need him?

#155684 - 03/30/06 05:43 AM Re: A True American Charlie Sheen on the 9/11 cove
Rob Longshot Offline
Chronic Masturbator

Registered: 12/22/03
Posts: 1715
Loc: Everything for the people, not...
I've been watching the mexicans doing their little marches on T.V., it makes me happy i left L.A., and a little sad too. Sad because it would be a great opportunity to "accidentally" lose control of my vehicle. Seriously though, i think the schools should tell alll the ones who walked out... "sorry, you arent coming back... you wouldn't learn anything anyway... here, meet Chuck, him and the officers outside are from the INS, viva la raza, eh... GET IN THE VAN!"
Theres a great big beautiful tomorrow...shining at the end of everyday.

#155685 - 03/30/06 09:27 AM Re: A True American Charlie Sheen on the 9/11 cove
gonzo420 Offline
AC Cream Wannabe

Registered: 12/02/05
Posts: 458
Loc: the ATL
What really happened on the morning of September 11, 2001? Why did the people at the top of the US military chain of command--Bush and Rumsfeld, Gens. Myers, Eberhard, Winfield and Mies--fail to act during the decisive portion of the attacks? Why did the air defense system fail to carry out its standard responses for intercepting errant planes, procedures which it had implemented some 67 times during the nine months prior to June 1, 2001?

How did the World Trade Center towers really come down? What brought down a third skyscraper, the 47-story WTC Building 7, which wasn't even hit by an airplane?

Why did it take four years for US officials to admit, only recently, that they had alleged hijacker Mohamed Atta under surveillance for years before the attacks, as part of the Pentagon's "Able Danger" operation? Why is there still no admission that the alleged hijackers of the "Hamburg Cell" were under surveillance by the CIA and other agencies for years before 2001?

Why were FBI investigators blocked from tracking the alleged hijackers before 9/11? Why was there no action on early, numerous and specific warnings from foreign governments that an attack was imminent? Who was protecting the men who would later be blamed for the "Attack On America," and why?

Why did The 9/11 Commission Report ignore most of the real questions posed by the September 11th victims' families? Who financed the hijacking operation, and why did the 9/11 Commission say "the question is of little practical significance"? Why did the Commission avoid bodies of evidence pointing to a circle of complicity within the US government and its covert agencies?

Immediately after 9/11 the US government ignored all questions and embarked on three broad policies. First, it marched us into a "pre-emptive," costly, open-ended "war on terror", with military invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq, both planned and prepared long in advance of 9/11. Second, it brought the war home to America, in the form of the USA PATRIOT Act and related legislative assaults on our civil liberties and the Constitution.

Third, it shifted literally trillions in spending priorities (in the years since) from butter to guns. We have seen an economic transformation that amounts to a "new new economy," one based on war and confiscation of vital resources around the world, and an infinite surveillance apparatus at home. (The corporate sponsors, friends and relatives, and direct members of the Bush regime have been among the leading profiteers and beneficiaries of these policies.)

We, of the broad based "9/11 truth movement" across America and the world believe that getting justice for all the victims of 9/11 is the means by which which we can both achieve peace and secure our liberties. And yet, in order to do so we must confront and expose the role of the mass media in supressing the truth of 9/11.

As a consequence, we researchers, activists and ordinary citizens with common sense are compelled to make our case directly to you, the public, for only we, the people, can act to expose the 9/11 cover-up.

Every day we are warned of the potential for new horrors, targets of a strategy of panic designed to keep us quiet.

People in New York City, particularly people of color, are being subjected to random searches as they board subways, violations of our Fourth Amendment rights. These searches won't stop any terrorists, because they are not designed to do so, but may simply be one of the most extensive trial balloons for martial law in American history.

And this was before the horror of Katrina allowed an even greater test of military rule on our soil: The commander of US forces moving into New Orleans declared to the Army Times (Sept. 2) that the city will soon look like a little Somalia, and that it is currently in the hands of an "insurgency" that must be crushed.

That is America after 9/11. There is nothing new in governments that degenerate into tyranny and plunder, or who use the tools of fear, the "strategy of tension" to keep the people confused and ready to accept policies they would never otherwise desire. When did a "great power" launch a war, without a big lie to start it? There would be nothing new about a government that allowed or even engineered an attack on its own people for political and economic gain. The list of historical precedents for both "false-flag" terror attacks and for false "casus belli" is long and sorrowful, both in this country and around the world. The United States is not unique.

Shall we be ruled by fear and the urge for flight, or shall we get together with others and stand up and fight? Shall we stay on the road to perpetual war, fiscal ruin and a police state, or shall we build a world of freedom, justice and peace? Shall we remain ruled by the lie, or live together in the light of truth? Our democracy is under threat, it is in mortal danger. The truth of 9/11 can help reignite the fire of patriotic dissent in us all and help bring about justice for the victims of 9/11, both here and around the world.
"mmmmm.. nuthin says lovin like...eating babies!!!"-Sierra Sinn

#155686 - 03/30/06 09:38 AM Re: A True American Charlie Sheen on the 9/11 cove
gonzo420 Offline
AC Cream Wannabe

Registered: 12/02/05
Posts: 458
Loc: the ATL
Sheen Challenge to Media

Charlie Sheen felt compelled to respond to one of many hit-pieces against him, a column written for the London Guardian and carried by British commonwealth newspapers worldwide. Sheen sent his statement to The Australian newspaper. This is his full statement minus a phone number to his manager so that the paper could confirm its authenticity. This is a direct challenge for them to debate the facts.

I dare you to print this email in it's entirety ...

The mere fact that you did a cut and paste job of the slanderous and idiotic Marine Hyde London Journal piece, speaks volumes about your credibility as a major media entity.

Like so many other mainstream outlets, domestically and abroad, no attention whatsoever is given to the questions I raise or the evidence that stimulated those very questions.

Instead, low-brow idiotic hit pieces are spewed forth in an effort to sway the readers' opinion of the messenger while blatantly disregarding any of the potentially valuable content of the story. It's transparent sandbox propaganda as dated and cheap as the paper it's printed on.

Do a little research on Building Seven. Building Seven lives at the epicenter of my entire debate. Prove yourself worthy of genuine investigative journalism. Look at the video evidence.

Observe the same data I have. Submit a formal request to the Pentagon or the DOD to release video PROOF that flight 77 did exactly as they claim. You will be stonewalled. You will be dismissed unconditionally. If there is nothing to hide - why are they hiding it?

To avoid any confusion - I reiterate:

Building Seven - Pentagon video documentation.

If any portion, or portions of this text is any way deleted or manipulated, you will only confirm what myself and countless others have suspected all along: Media complicity with no interest in the truth.

A CNN poll at the time of this writing currently sits at 84 percent IN SUPPORT of my views.

Say what you must about me - it means nothing.

Yet, if you continue to overlook the hard questions and physical evidence regarding 9/11 - you only confirm what so many of us "Conspiracy Idiots" have suspected all along - The Official Report is, at best, an insulting work of FICTION.

Charlie Sheen
"mmmmm.. nuthin says lovin like...eating babies!!!"-Sierra Sinn

#155687 - 03/30/06 08:39 PM Re: A True American Charlie Sheen on the 9/11 cove
Rob Longshot Offline
Chronic Masturbator

Registered: 12/22/03
Posts: 1715
Loc: Everything for the people, not...
Theres a great big beautiful tomorrow...shining at the end of everyday.

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