

Here's one for you Melb. I thinks she's actually from NZ but there weren't many Aussie Nazis to choose from and its their lot in life to be confused with Australians. Who is Ian Stuart?

Ian Stuart aka Ian Stuart Donaldson was the lead singer of British punk band Skrewdriver. In the early 80's they became skinheads and white nationalists. Stuart died in a car accident in 1993 and has been a martyr to the movement ever since. He was fat, unattractive and sweaty.
The artist formerly known as Melb.

Um Ian Stuart? No idea. Sounds like a kiwi name. Kiwis love being mistaken for Australians. Next time you come across one, make sure you use all the cheesy brochure lingo. G'day cobber, by jingos ya drongo, throw another prawn on the barvie, struth, crickey, stone the crows and all that. Then when they say they're from Nuw Zulund, say "O, so you're from one of the Australian outlying islands then?"

They'll love it.

There's only 4 million of them, so by a process of elimination....

Also a particuarly smart idea to publish pictures of yourself wearing the latest Aryan fashions in front of a letterbox with you family name I assume and the house number.

O, and there's plenty of Aussie nazi types.


The irony of this of course is that IIRC his grandmother is Javanese. So what does a white supremicist with a Javanese grandmother do? Firebomb asian restaurants of course.

Irony, a sense of humour and common sense all appear to be un-Aryan.

EDIT: I found a picture of Jack Van Tongeren. Who could of guessed he'd be a white supremicist?

This one's even funnier.

"I'll never forget the moment during the lovely Alyssa Allure's scene in 'American Bukkake' where the fellow got out of his wheel chair to ejaculate on her face. It was grotesque but had a certain frisson." -Sock