

Gotta love that blue-eyed blond Aryan look, haven't you? Sammura has more chance of making it with Nazis than this chick. And that's only because of the white residue she oozes.

What's going on with the White Supremacists?!?

The standards are SO slipping!! Mediterraneans are not Aryans. Slav are HATED by Aryans. What happened to standards?!? Proving yourself pure back to like 1700!!

Soon they'll be letting in light-skinned blacks, japs with dyed-blonde hair and Reformed Jews!!

I just don't get the same "die you filthy Jew" vibe from these pretenders!

And, how can you cover the symbol of their race, the pure white skin, with ugly black tattoos and show your face at a Nazi Party function?

How disappointing. They are pathetic.

Would they give her a Seig Heil?

Her mommy's Jewish!!!

Poor Adolf!!

i don't know where you came up with her mom is jewish, but i looked on a few bio's for that information, i didn't find anything on it

here's IMDB's bio, new mention of jews on the page

are you guessing so cause her mom was Polish? (most poles are catholic, not jews) or cause she's a famous actress?