Good times, good times. I have't laughed so hard since I was a little girl.

I tell you what, some of the Aryan oriented girlies in this thread make me want to give up my allegiance and membership of the Elders of Zion.

You know what? I think its a bit unfair on the straight oriented porno ladies around here and the 88 gang as well to have only female nazi hottie after female nazi hottie. I'm a nice guy, I'll throw em a bone.

So here is Hollywood heart throb Russell Crowe, in another Australian film none of you have probably ever seen. To my knowledge he used conventional weoponry to bash asians in this film, and no telephones were harmed in the making of this motion picture.

Can someone reactivate me please. I vote my deactivation as the lamest ever. You know its right. Do it, do it do it.