Be aware of this service, it's owned by media manipulator Rupert Murdoch.
Your information is being gathered and sold to other agencies to use for promotion. They are watching everything you access, who you download from, observing your interests to build an overall consumer profile of each person who has an account. Information is power.
You think you're getting something for free when really they are gaining info to pitch things in your direction.
"It's stunning to think about how much music fans are telling us about themselves, in their search queries, the libraries on their hard drives, and the lists they print on their MySpace pages. It's the same kind of quantum leap that we forget to appreciate in, say, web surfing or TiVO, where someone's collecting exponentially more information about you than they ever could before. A business like BigChampagne could barely learn more about your online consumption if they had a guy standing over your shoulder."
I'd rather get the bulbous of my penis stabbed with a rusty screw driver than sign up for this sham.
Thanks for reading.