XPT needs a "Controlled Substances & Porn" Forum...seriously, it's intuitive, the two, PORN and Drugs, are married and joined at the hip...everyone KNOWS that a lot of the awesome, hot, totally fucked up debauched porn being made today would not be possible without the drugs a lot of these hot chicks are on...I am serious, it needs to be explored/marketed...

if a chick like Kelly Wells or Claire Robbins does a movie like No Cum Dodging Allowed 5/6 and is CLEAN, that is newsworthy (meaning she did that shit WITHOUT any chemical enhancement/help, think how much hotter that makes it in the minds of those watching, that she did it because she COULD...) If Aim Tests for Aids, why not have a certified Drug testing take place as needed, for specific shoots.

But I think a Drugs Forum is needed here because this topic keeps coming up, and we get both the storied company pr line that "Only a few chicks are on drugs, that most chicks are not, that Drugs/Porn is a cliched stereotype and shouldnt be given any credence"....and the Anecdotal, Obvious Behavioral evidence, and first hand testimony from many of today's porn stars/insiders that drugs are rampant.

I personally know that MANY chicks in porn do use drugs, either as full blown out of control addicts, functioning addicts, or some other degree of use/abuse.....it is intuitive, a young hot girl, no matter how money hungry/lazy/attention starved, is going to REPEATEDLY subject herself to the action/scenes/sex depicted in the typical pornstar trajectory without DULLING her conscience/sense of pride/self esteem with some kind of chemical.

Drugs work, in the short term anyway, and enhance the TEMPORARY-FLEETING fun/pleasure that Porn seemingly offers...but the crash comes and it comes hard, usually when the porn chick has run her course and work dries up cuz she has done everything and is no longer in demand...
Are you gonna eat that?