Ok Mike.Straight up?You got it twisted.The thread you bastardized?You owe me money for writing the most interesting thing on your virtual toilet paper.
Allow me to enlighten you(get a friend to assist you as some of the words will be longer than three letters and I wouldn't want you to m-i-s-u-n-d-e-r-s-t-a-n-d)
If you had not stumbled across(stolen)a concept for third rate internet porn,and had not developed a coke habit large enough to lure in some of the skanks that have disgraced your lens,and then parlayed that into a blog where you eek out whatever miserable living you make by talking shit about people,who are actually GOOD at what you try to do,the best you could have hoped for would be"photo guy" at Walmart.
It's actually amusing how much shit you talk in relation to the action you are willing to take.Look at all this noise you made over Kurt intentionally throwing his drink on you.Big man now back behind your bullshit blog talking about how he should be glad you didn't stab him with your fork?Aside from the fact that using table utensils in a fair one is vaginal at best truth is,you didn't budge.You sure are spouting a lot of rhetoric now.
You caught feelings over a thread (on this lesser site,Mike have someone look up the word lesser for you)
and those feelings have led to this.What was with the venom?Are your draws still wet from that drink? Or did you see another opportunity to eat off of Kurt Lockwoods name?Was your girl sitting next to you when it happened,and you're still trying to man up two months later?
Whatever the case you have made a mistake by dragging me into this.It's margin call you junkie faggot leech.Here is your chance to man the fuck up for real or stick a tampon in it.
From what I understand you bring your sorry ass to L.A. with some frequency(most likely to extort money off the unfortunate skank you trick into going west(where you cant seem to make a go of it)THE NEXT TIME YOU COME I DEFY YOU TO BE A FUCKING MAN AND STEP INTO ONE OF THE MANY SQUARE RINGS IN THE VALLEY.No table utensils or bitch ass headgear.Three rounds to be the man you pretend to be behind that keyboard.
I promise you if you put away your vagina for that long,I will not spill a single beverage on you.