I don't like the violent way women are treated in the pornographic videos now, and it gives me an urge to protect them. I know it may sound not quite sane, but I get the distinct impression that this is why the women keep going along with the degradation/humiliation bar being raised exponentionally: it is to provoke the chivalry long overdue. I'm not suggestion mine specifically, of course, but just kind of in general. I'm not going to put this into words straight away. But this vague notion is what I want to press those in the direction for. The peni piston hatefully for it, the heads are UPSIDEDOWN and retching on the verge of asphyxiation, the duck noises a siren song towards that which have been lost or misplaced. There is more than market forces at work here. Triple beef patty bacon cheeseburgers with three kinds of cheese and extra mayo are effortless to understand in a market context. UPSIDEDOWN female heads gagging/hacking alarmingly from being penetrated by paradoxically pestering puni, far less so. I shall protect them. I have found myself.
