Watch that man! Oh, honey, watch that man! He talks like a jerk, But he could eat you with a fork & spoon. ...He's only taking care of the room. It must be in tuuuuuuuune.
#146143 - 02/22/0603:29 PMRe: Hillary's Bukkake a "Ho"ax?
Willie D
Porn Jesus
Registered: 09/20/05
Posts: 9185
Quote: Watch that man! Oh, honey, watch that man! He talks like a jerk, But he could eat you with a fork & spoon. ...He's only taking care of the room. It must be in tuuuuuuuune.
Well I would like to say that I think that this thread is inhuman and cruel and also that the mods should take care of this before it gets out of control. I mean how would you like it if others treat you in this way and please be honest.