
Thank you, Chico.

Saratoga120...welcome to the Monkey Cage.

Hey look, there's a rape machine! But you're a cagey cretin, I'll grant you that. I see by the absence of "Chronic Masturbator" from your avatar that you're not beating your wife anymore.

Rape Machine Misery Index: 0. School holiday. Fresh meat on
the shelves. 'Nuff said.

Looks like it was you who asked for the change of venue, huh? Or was it a group decision to minimize the public humiliation.

Well sorry, but no dice. I only play to an audience. Move it back, or go find someone else to beat on you.

And perhaps in closing, a small victory for all you worm carriers. Reading through this thread again, I've decided to give you losers the benefit of the doubt. Could every other person I've known in my life be wrong? Is it actually possible that I'm effeminate? Are all those athletic trophies frauds? Those babes I've gotten off nothing more than coincidences of timing? Those weasels at XPT I've eviscerated actually gutless to begin with? I've got to admit, now you've got me thinking.