
Jeez, I'm gonna have to start charging for these. What sort of a degree does a paparazzi peabrain pursue anyway

Consonance is not witty. Nor is alliteration.


And with this exchange I am ashamedly inducted into the land of the miscreants.

You fantasize about having a brain one-quarter as fast as most of the people here. I'm guessing your one-liners have to pass the following "saratoga120- test"
--smarmy use of English learned in 9th grade...check
--slight alteration of usernames to imply cleverness...check
--posting immediately followed by a quick snortle over your creativity...check


No shit. The only thing that would make it worse would be if saratoga had a white rose clenched between his teeth.

The white rose blended into the Members Only jacket too much...substituted.

BTW you wouldn't believe the crazy shit you see from googling "white rose."

140879-saratoga.jpg (11 downloads)