
bravo, ton Francais es bon,je suis impressionner!!yes this is my old website when i was a dancer
but my new website will be open soon
have a good day
i can teach you or pratice French with you if u need
a plus ....

Merci tres beaucoup mon ami! Je t'aime. J'adore.

No not really, but thanks mon petite cheri. My French is much shittier than your English. All those verb forms and all that masculine / feminine for every word....

French is a beautiful language. I will travel to France one day. France is beautiful too.

Anwyays, good luck in the bizz.

The minute you do anal I'll buy it. I'd probably buy anything else I come across with you in it anyway.
Can someone reactivate me please. I vote my deactivation as the lamest ever. You know its right. Do it, do it do it.