This is what happens when the fucking liberals slap warning labels on everything. Darwinism cannot be denied, and you tinker with natural selection at your peril.
Take away the accidental death of drinking Drano or this Mack truck of a man making toast in the shower, and the world gets to behold the spectacle of another fanboy spending his money on clothing for pornwhores.
I wish I were joking. I'm not.
i sent the last set of stuff off on wed to bella she should have it all by monday and then we will hear how it is i feel i did ok on the first time not great so i am all ready thinking what i can do to top myslef for next tiem

AC... we did you wrong, man.
Can one of you ADT posters get this guy to post over here so Jeff can log his I.P. and eventually get him arrested? I'm definitly not a carnie freak Bella supporter but its only a matter of time before this "guy" kills her.
The writing is on the wall.
That fuckin dyke
Steph encourages this shit. C'mon whores post over at ADT and then let me introduce you to all the rabid psychopaths (AC CREAM, noahped, DAN, Saratoga, etc.) who will stalk you to your dying days.
Together, our efforts helped spare Christie Lee, we can do it again.
" Bitch, not even a dumptruck full of Gucci bags would get me to do you. "- Gia Jordan response to pornactorforhire