I'm not even going to get into it. No good will ever come of it, not for the woman who are videoed, not for me neither. The peni shall remain unharmed, however, and piston into the future with no mercy, regret, or consequence. It's in my mind like a tsetse fly, and I'm in the final stages, running in circles. I broke up with a woman several weeks ago. The phonecalls are daily now. "Are you seeing anyone?" outloud over the telephone; "Do they fuck your face? Call you whore? Friends gangbang? Donkies punch?! Why WHy why wHy?!!!" to myself. I think I hear in her voice unuttered answers that arouse madness in my mind. I'm in a peni flytrap: the more I wriggle in agony, the more the fleshy mechanism mindlessly shuts tighter and I'm dissolved. Oh lord. Sweet deliverance, come over me now. There is no way out I can see.