I get off work around 5:30... Walk over to my living room(I work out of my house) and hit the PS2 to get some NCAA 2005 online action....
Probably end up some playing 14 year old kid that only plays with Texas...and runs Vince Young 24/7..and no matter what Defense I call I can't stop Vince Young because that bitch is like fucking Superman in this years game.
Anyway play that until my girl comes home and head out to Snookies....Get the booth in the corner and I'll order the usual(strawberry milk shake, coke, house salad, bean nachos and some fries)Hang out a Snookies for a little. Listen to people play U2 and Nirvana on the Juke Box. Wondering why nobody ever wants to play the Pretenders....
Exit Snookies to catch the early show for Underworld:Evolution. Greatness!!...
After we leave the show it's time to hit Borders so I can grab a banana/strawberry smoothie...Hate Borders..but love their smoothies...
Fall out to Tower Records..smoothie in hand...and making way to the magazine section. Both Borders and Tower have great magazine sections but Tower has better over head music playing.... Not sure what Borders has in the in-store play half the time..
Hang out there for a little..Watch all the stoners come in on a Friday night and buy up all the Kong Fu DVD's or watch all the wanna be Rap kids go over to the Rap section and hit the listening station. It's like watching old re-runs of the Gong Show. I not sure why they feel the need to rap out loud.
Now it's time to go back to my 40 acres and a mule. Go up stairs and fire up the Tivo. Watch the latest installment of Showtime's Masters of Horror. My favorite episode thus far has been Jennifer. Other then that they've been pretty minimal. My girl will hit the bed after this. I'll move my shit into the guest room and turn on the TV...
Dial up TBS and watch the re-runs of Oblongs, Family Guy, Mr Show and Futurama...ESPN News is next. Check out all the NBA, NFL and NCAA recap shit.....
If I'm still awake I throw in my DVD of House Party
"Head like a rocket...stick your finger in a socket..punk mother fucker name Kid"
Then it's time to pack'em up pack'em in....
Edited by xxxKarma09 (01/20/06 01:44 PM)