Dirty D even has his own wordpress site dedicated to him
Now they are even poking some fun at his PR whore JenniDahling aka "PR Kitty"
Hey JenniDahling....Tjeezers has some "dirt" on you....
The Real Jennifer Dhaling-
Yeah we all know, it is not your real name, but hell, if it boosts your
personality, then why not. If i would post your real name here, then I would
risk more then now. Now i write about a pseudonym who is actually not even alive
Lucky for me, we all know who i am dealing with in this article.
Before you go on, a few things, my English is not perfect and optimal, i am just
not English I do it with what I know And translators do not work for
me, they seem to twist my words
I saw you for the first time in Amsterdam, in a fleshlight outfight, nothing
wrong with it. You asked what I my purpose was of visiting the show, and while i
noted you did not kept track of my answers, you must have bored your eyes out
cause from that moment you started to run circles around me. I smell a cougar on
100 miles away, but was nice enough to not crash your meaningless personality,
I toke your Welcome package, dumped it in the nearest trash can, and tried to
get with my partner to the more serious people. Hanging out with show girls was
not my idea of a show.
After my private dinners with 3 sponsors I decided to meet some more of my
smaller sponsors. But strange enough you kept jumping up and down in front of
my face like a little bunny that was on speed, showing of your to small boobs
and smiling like an wolf who found a pray. I had no idea how to get ride of
you, so I decided to talk a little to you. Explained what I was doing, dealing
in traffic and trying to stay as much as I can on the background. On the moment
you found out my traffic was a little more then your little brain could convert
in numbers I was fucked. Questions how I did it remained unanswered, I am a cook
who does not share his ingredients. Not being on a show to show others how to
make money, me was there to speak to the sponsors and getting a better payout
deal. For me that was worth it, a few extra % per year is enough for me to make
a big difference.
As soon I found out your expertise was limited to flirting with guys, i was
amused, I actually felt a little sorry for you. Walking between all those big
shots and not being able to understand the difference a Hit and a View is real
On Day 2 you kept being a bunny, but now with a combination of XTC and Speed.
The hands we`re all over my body, and you tried to transport to me the feeling
of trust and interest. I was partly charmed by it, but most of all, I felt very
sorry for you. How could a girl with a good appearance sink so low and walk on a
show to catch eyes for a product she hardly understood herself. Oohh you cant
dry fuck a Fleshlight, ahhh this is why it comes with lube then he?
Stunned by your own sarcastic victimizing attitude, I did decided to do an
attempt to learn you something. My Lesson was to you ” Not everyone fucks on the
first date ”
U invited me on your hotel room, and asked me to give you a massage, while
you toke your top down, and laid down on the bed, I was nice enough to give you
a massage of 10 minutes. Sad and disappointing your eyes looked when I stood up
and said, OK, that was it. Now have a nice day, and walked out of the room.
On day 3, you decided to ask me the big question, Please God Send me Traffic,
I can not go home with no results. So I signed up, and sold Fleshlights. Fixed a
few optimized campaigns, few hundred K in clicks, and sales started to roll in.
Nothing special for me. I sell whenever I want, and how I want.
Show was over, and when I left the hotel, my little bunny on Speed and XTC
came humping behind me. Worried I would leave without saying a word. Yeah
Indeed, that was my whole idea. I come in silence, and leave in silence. You
dropped your number in my pocket, and whenever there was anything, I could dial
the Jenn-69HOTLINE.
So I did, after Fleshlightcash was playing with my stats, and sales we`re
suddenly going weird. So I called your pretty ass, and told you on a sweet tone
to tell those ass fuckers to fix my problem. You did, and got fired. I realized
I might have threw you in the hole of the lion, and out of your reactions after
this, you made me feel that you stood up for me there, and that costs you your
job. You knew exact how to play me. I always take the blame on me, even though
the blame was on you.
All crying on the phone, you we`re out of a job, and had no money. Bhoo Hoo
Wooo Whaaa… You know the usual I am a Victim crying. As good as I was, not
anymore these days, I decided to take a little responsibility and offered you a
partner deal in a community project, called MyPlaceMaze. A project that was
already running beta, testing the script and editing files. I was creative
enough to spin the wheel a little and make a Sponsor Vs Webmaster concept. You
we`re all for it, and told me how you could play in the adult industry the
Attention Whore. Full of yourself you convinced me you could make it in a mega
project. Explaining to me how you worked for a few companies ( but strangely
enough got fired everywhere very fast ) you would use your almost expired
contacts to bring it into the adult industry with a sonic boom. I gave you a
shot, and your sonic boom was like a firecracker, i was not impressed at all.
You brought in program owners who spammed all my webmasters on PM like madness.
You made them crazy, told them the traffic was there, they just had to beg for
it. My Fellow webmasters emailed me, and explained they felt used.
So what to do…? I fly you over and push you with the nose on the facts and
learn you how to work for real. Gave you access to my house and traffic kitchen.
Risky shit, cause I still had my doubts. But that was my plan of attack.
You decided to take those doubts away and telling me how you started to fall
in love with me, I did gave you a GO to visit me in Holland and trusted you all
the way. Picked you up from Schiphol, and while your eyes we`re glittering of a
little girl that was vaginal licked for the first time, I tried to explain to
my house mate, a female, blond and sexy, that I would be training you for the
concept on location, nothing more.
You are not a type that likes female competition, so you gave Sandra the bad
eye. Telling me how lazy she was in my house and that she was really not good
for me. You managed to get a few things right, cause Sandra was never the house
princes a guy would love to see in his wife. You staid for 3 weeks, and it
happened, you got me laid in my bed, sucked my cock on the natural way, and
swallowed it all the way down. Nothing wrong with that, but you could not help
to mention to Sandra that she was out of the game. The first seeds for a
CatFight were in the ground, and grew so fast, even the best farmer would blink
his eyes a few times. If you plaid it with a little more tact, I would have not
had to write this open letter for everyone to read.
On week 2, Sunday evening the bomb exploded between you and Sandra. Bad thing
was, you plaid it on such a way, that even i was scratching behind my head. I
needed a few years to really understand how you plaid it, but here we go:
You found out from Sandra that she still loved me very much, and you also
found out that on the moment you would leave my world would go back to how it
was before you came in. You knew how to break up things, you are married 3
times, and divorced 3 times, bunch of daughters, and skilled with all female
tricks a women can have.
You made me believe that there was a future for us, and a new begin. And
while I kept having my doubts, I gave you the benefit, and asked Sandra to be
polite to you, you we`re a guest at our home, and about to leave. But Sandra is
not that type that takes my answers for a fact, she never did, and this made the
bomb burst.
Sandra told you, CLEAN YOUR OWN PLATES, I AM NOT YOUR MAID. You gave me a
bump with your shoulder and said ” I told you so, this is not the right girl for
you ”
I went to Sandra her room and explained her that she should calm down and not
make a fight, cause the whole meaning of you being here was for 1 project only.
Tell that to a women who never stopped loving me
Sandra toke a hammer, and threw it at the window of her bedroom and told me
to leave. While I heard outside a few people cursing me for almost killing them,
Sandra started to light the Hell Fire. With her medical background of epileptic
attacks, stimulated by emotional stress, I tried to calm her down, but that was
the last thing she was waiting for. She got hysterical and locked herself in her
room, locking me out. I had to break up the goddamn door to make sure she did
not become more hysterical and insane. Knowing she also had no trouble
victimizing herself and cutting herself with glass to get the needed attention,
I came into her room and grabbed her and put her on the ground, protecting
herself from the damage she was going to inflict herself. The screaming was
clear to hear in my whole town, with a broken window, sound travels far. I
whispered in her ear to calm down and to come to her senses, and while she
slowly got her self back, the police sirens were in front of my house. Worried
people called the police, logical off course.
Sandra was scared, and impressed by herself, and calmed down as fast as she
could. I went down the stairs, and explained you to stay calm and let the police
in. Not thinking clearly, I tried to remain calm and moved no muscle when the
blue bullies came inside my house, asking me what the hell was going on. I
explained them what the situation was, and Sandra came down all crying. For the
police a crying women in a in-house situation is pretty high priority, good for
the rights of women, but in some cases a pure misunderstood situation. They
assumed Sandra was hit by me, and while they tried to search for any trails of a
fight, they came to the conclusion it was clean, nothing wrong, the only thing
that was red, were her eyes, of tears. Poor Girl, she loves me very much, and
can not stand another women in my house. Case closed you would think…..
Then 1 officer was looking at my desk, and seen a plastic bag with some weed
in it. Yeah Jenn, you blowing in my house was not a crime, but more then 3 grams
was not legal. Then this same office was seeing the porn sites on the monitors (
3 ) and came to a perverse conclusion, 2 women in a house, 1 guy, computers with
porn, and whats that?… A Camera?…. 1+1=2 you would say. So the officer toke me
outside, and said ” Are you creating porno movies in your house ? ” ………… Me : ”
No officer, we are working on my adult network, selling porno ”
The officer was not so smart, I knew him personal and knew he was a road worker
from Monday to Friday, and earning a extra buck with part time police work. I
also knew he was 2 weeks before this all on a whole other location 50 meters
from my house cleaning up a house that distributed CP.
I said, Listen Fred, this is not what you think, we are not doing strange
things and we are certainly not doing what you think right now, we do not deal
in CP.
Fred was obligated to take me under arrest, before he would be sure he would
take my word for it. So he did. Sunday night they arrested me on a charge for
distributing and producing CP. That was a huge blow in my ego. While I am the
knight on the white horse, suddenly I was the dirty pervert living on the block.
They only thing they needed was my collection of PC`s and my administration.
Jenn, thank you for saving my laptop, claiming to them it was yours.
Monday at 3 in the early morning, i finally gave them my consent to take my
PC`s and Admin, knowing I would be out of work for a few weeks, cause my vital
info were on all PC`s stored.
Monday at 9 in the morning police went into my house, while they hold me on
the station, to take my PC`s and admin. That same day they actually had to come
to the conclusion that it was all clean of shit and nothing bad was ever found.
I was released the same day, problem was, my PC`s we`re not released. They
explained me that a lot of money records we`re found and they had to investigate
if all the earned money was clean and taxes we`re paid. I laughed and said ”
Just give me my personal items back and I`ll walk home ”
I had to pick you up from our Locale Coffee Shop. You and Sandra became in 1
night big buddies, and both stoned, I told you and her to come outside. While I
looked you and Sandra in her eyes, I concluded i was talking to a bunch of
stoners who we`re smiling and giggling like nothing happened.
I am a tolerant guy, was respected in my neighborhood for my social
friendliness, and never lost my temper. You and Sandra did the impossible. Got
the police at my house and brought me in a serious situation I got out of cause
I am who I am, a good guy, no criminal record. Thanks to me being helpful to the
police, I never got charged for anything. Not even for the weed you smoked in my
house and the amount of it stashed on my desk. I always was on a friendly base
with the police, and never had any issues, until that famous Sunday.
So with the fact you still had 1 week at my place, I decided to do the wiser
thing. I called one of my trusted partners, let him book a hotel for me and you,
so Sandra was free of you and could calm down. However you did a great job
feeding her stoned in the coffee shop. You did know she was a epileptic patient
right? Any idea how much risk you toke feeding her more smokes? And this on my
costs. Before I found you 2, i was home first to see the damage the police left
behind after searching for something that was never there, i also noted money
missing from my desk. From there i was able to conclude ” Those 2 bitches can be
on 1 place only, the coffee shop, smoking weed ”
Anyway, let me wrap this up… I toke you to Amsterdam, and booked a room in a
very respectable hotel, and skipped the breakfast and lunch service. Cause I was
pissed enough and did not needed to eat for weeks
You we`re so happy, the last 7 days of your stay you would be able to be in
the town of Smokes and Sex. Amsterdam, here we came. And while I still was
pissed and also impressed by what happened to me, you felt guilty enough and
gave me every night what every guy dreams about when they see you. Sex without
limitations and no questions asked. I`ll be honest, I was in need for
distraction, and knowing what a whore would costs in Amsterdam, I kind of saw a
good bargain in this. While you we`re not paying attention, and slept naked on
the bed, I snapped you on my Sony Phone Cam for my private collection. You never
know what time would do right ( and here we are )…
After day 3, i was so tired of you, all those bragging stories you feed me.
How you would make MyPlaceMaze a mega hit, and how this whole bad thing would be
in the past so fast… In the mean time, you racked up the bills, smoking for
70-90 Euros a day in weed, and 50 Euros on food. And you still had the balls to
ask me why we did not toke the Tourist tour on the Amsterdam Channels with the
Love Boat. Shit girl, you got any idea how much money you swallowed away in
those 3 weeks time alone? 600+1000+800+450+1000= …. Yeah take a calculator…
I have always been a good guy, and you can not deny that.
Lets make above argument a little fact….
I dropped you off at Schiphol, and i was crying tears of joy, you
misunderstood those and calmed me down, and told me you would come soon again. I
cried even harder. Your 6th sense was a little clouded by your own ego. Never
the less, you left, and with freedom feelings in my heart, i toke the train back
home, called Sandra on my way home, and told her she could breath again and she
was happy you left.
The 3 weeks that followed, you tried to make me clear you still had plans for
us. You could make me rich and introduce me to the right people for the right
amounts. I said NO on all offers, and got so sick of it. I was sick of working
on 1 laptop and calling the jerks of the station to ask for my shit back. You
never gave a rats ass about that, i did, it was my income.
I was thinking I could close the chapter Jennifer Dhaling finally, but that
was a no-no… You called on a certain night. It seemed your ex-boyfriend at your
home was actually the home owner, and he threw your pretty little ass out of the
house, you had no where to go…
Is that remarkable? Now I understood how you could play Sandra on such a way.
You we`re in the same situation as she was. You lived off your boy like Sandra
lived of me. Sandra was my ex also. I did however felt sympathy for your
situation and decided to give you my support on the phone. And the day after you
we`re back in his house again. You actually plaid a copy of my own situation,
just a shame i had to endure the embarrassing situation of the police. But they
told me sorry, you had to fuck your ex again, big difference.
the days after, you still smelt money, and explained to me how you needed
$500 for a flight to a webmaster show where you would promote Myplacemaze on the
right way. This time you had it all sorted out and I only needed to pay for the
ticket and access to the show.
Sad to find out you we`re invited on the show, got a free ticket and toke a
job from the Famous Dirty D, the one who was stupid enough to put his cheesy
dick in a minor girl.
You we`re never intended to promote MyPlacemaze and the sign-ups that came
we`re from my own promotion. I double checked, and asked the new sign-ups if
they ever heard of you… No one did…
Then I found you emailing on my concept the webmasters for the program of How I
Got Rich…
I deleted your profile and banned you from my servers, you never … NEVER…
emailed me to ask my why your ass was gone. You knew it yourself. I was on to
you, a little late, and a huge amount of costs lighter…
You have taken profit in 2006 from my traffic and webmaster contacts, more
then 300 webmasters I had under me, loyal people, few of them are so big now,
they do not give a rats ass about you or me. Evolution is something I and You do
not stop.
I kept silence to you for 1,5 years, and coincidence brought us together
again. This time I was in Romania working on a hospital project, raising money
for chronicle sick kids ( leukemia ). I opened on a new laptop my yahoo, and by
accident cleaned my blacklist, damn, biggest mistake ever…
for 1 hour i had to listen how you had a 6 figure contract with DirtyD and
how money was streaming your way. You made it. You we`re so proud on yourself.
Did you realized I was throwing up during that conversation, Disgusted by your
Altzeimer aditute, you forgotten who`s money you used to get to that show? You
forgot you bragged to D about your contacts you ripped from my site? You fucked
and licked your way in. And yet here you are telling me how rich you we`re going
to get.
I simply did what you did, forgot about it, and started to blame myself. How
could women make me feel every time so used? Was i so desperate for human
interactions with walking vagina’s? You made me doubts my own good heart and
motivations. Was i fucked up?
It toke a few feed back conversations with my trusted partners to find out
you we`re playing young guys like you we`re toying with your dildo you bought
for yourself in Amsterdam on my costs, comforting me with the fact you named it
” Harry ” … Shit girl, you have made a fool of yourself, me cause i paid for it,
but you for thinking i was really taking your bullshit.
I am not a guy of revenge, and teach others to not do also, never make more
enemies then you can handle, learn to forgive.
After that conversation I placed you back in the black list
2 years ago I was in Craiova, rented a huge villa and a second villa for a
webmaster office. While working my ass off for my ever lasting growing client
database, i made again the same mistake. On the PC`s there, i installed yahoo,
and suddenly out of the blue you came in. While my hand slammed my head of
stupidity, you offered me a well paid job. I decided to move my feelings a
little to the side, and listened to the offer. This time you we`re whoring
yourself out for the Oldest Porn Male Porn in this Industry. He was financing a
Domain Parking Concept, and they had no experience.
The good guy I am, but not anymore, I decided to help those people with their
concept. 3 Months i slaved myself for them, created the accounts, created the
material, worked out their plans, and you know what, THEY WERE HAPPY, and paid
me a shitty fee
U know, I keep telling you, I AM A GOOD GUY, and never needed the money, but i
felt sorry for your client that they had you controlling their team and FUCKING
IT UP under my eyes. Oohh boy, did i had to hear how they hated you, how you
gave them instructions and drove them straight into hell. They failed to deliver
the concept on time cause you had to make fights with the coder. You acted like
a little Boss who was finally taken serious. You toke them down, cause you made
fights and gossiped about the coder to me and other people who were involved.
The message you brought every time ” They do not listen to me, they do their own
thing ”
Listen up little fucking cunt, that you fucked me on both sides, OK, i can
have it. Blame on myself, I never hated you for it. But that you actually made
of something so good something very bad, cost me the job. After month 3, they
we`re not able to pay my shitty fee anymore. No lose for me actually, but
significant for everywhere you step in. You act like you know something of this
industry, but you we`re never able to sell 1 membership of 1 website ever. Your
skills are to compare with that of a complete retard who is happy living in his
own world.
You have the balls to out me in GFY while the real adults are talking. That
was wrong of you. Many people know who you are and what you do on shows, dealing
coke, and hanging out the party girl. That some big webmasters love coke and
sign up for the ” friends ” you have is your only luck.
When Dirty D went down in reputation when he ignored payment towards a smart
webmaster, and God i hope he stays down, you jumped in for him. That you had no
idea what PCC is, or how google works, that was not unexpected. You do gutter
work, not the real thing
You had the balls to ask me on Yahoo ” Harry, should i respond on this
thread? ”
With the knowledge of your destructive attitude in this industry, i told you in
all honesty ” No Do not do it ”
20 Seconds later you pressed the submit button. First Mistake
When DirtyD ( god how can someone name himself like that ) went down on the
famous ” I fucked a girl with fake ID ” you had to replay again. Mistake 2,
cause you have no business in a situation where you are paid to spread smoke
clouds. No one is waiting for your opinion.
You toke a lot of blow, people told you the truth. You staid of the forum a
few weeks. But then you saw a way back in. The death of a webmaster. His wife
needs money according you, and you thought, let me show the forum my good site,
and beg people for money. People know the women never asked you to do so, she
never was asking you to start a thread to raise money, but you asked the women
to do it. Cause you thought this would make you OK again in the forum. Some
people told you that you have a good heart, but 80% knew you did it with a
motivational background of self interest.
I can go on for a few hours, from you dealing coke on shows for D, and
setting up a hate campaign against Claire, the women who comes to your house to
clean in her revealing uniform. Claire was in huge debts with you, you told me
and other people how you helped Clair and she owed you thousands of dollars.
Yeah… Right.. The only thing that bitch sucked at was being honest. You and her
we`re best buddies, but you got jealous again, like you are on everyone who
actually WORKS for their money.
For years I supported your ass in this industry where you failed again and
You have a serious drug problem. I seen it with my own eyes.
You are a parasite to those who have a good heart, and introduce yourself as an
You have a charming personality that expires after 2 days. it seems you repeat
yourself then again
Endless bragging about things you actually never had any part it
Lying about numbers, conversations, and details that are important for a
successful concept
Your an attention whore with 3 failed marriages
You fuck for traffic That is the best part. There is hope for a lot people
in this bizz
but most important, you challenge me in a big forum and break a important
rule, do not fuck with those who helped you, paid you and toke the lose.
This article I have written cause I needed to defend my self on your posting.
If people need to speak with me about this personal, they can give me a call.
For this I opened a Yahoo account
posted by none other then good old Chuckie Taylor....and courtesy of-
the shit is funny......