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#138131 - 01/16/06 09:44 PM Re: AC - Life as a fanboy
Al Snow w/ Head Offline
Max Hardcore Prison Bitch

Registered: 10/26/05
Posts: 319
Loc: Outskirts of Parts Unknown
I'm starting to think this is all a big work. AC Cream's visit to XXXPT is another Marc Wallice style punk'd thread.

#138132 - 01/16/06 10:04 PM Re: AC - Life as a fanboy
pariah Offline
AC Cream Wannabe

Registered: 05/05/04
Posts: 446
Loc: Los Angeles
I think what is needed here is a third party or some kind of evidence. Did anyone see AC go into the apartemnt? Does he have a picture of him in the apartment? Someone that is as struck by the whores would no doubt have his camera to prove to anyone who did not believe or so that he could say " have I shown you a picture of my girlfriend?" to their new friend and soon to be class President Pedro.Anything we could submit as "exibit A" Mr Cream?

#138133 - 01/16/06 10:09 PM Re: AC - Life as a fanboy
kyoto Offline
Gay For Pay

Registered: 05/06/04
Posts: 951
Loc: IL
at this very moment AC is outside Christie's apartment holding a boombox over his head playing "In Your Eyes"

#138134 - 01/16/06 10:44 PM Re: AC - Life as a fanboy
John Floofin Offline
Porn Icon

Registered: 02/04/05
Posts: 3499
Loc: The Dirty: 480

at this very moment AC is outside Christie's apartment holding a boombox over his head playing "In Your Eyes"

I am to assume then, that you were already there before he arrived?

#138135 - 01/16/06 11:11 PM Re: AC - Life as a fanboy
AC Cream 2.0 Offline
Rob Black's Crack Pipe

Registered: 01/12/06
Posts: 52

I think what is needed here is a third party or some kind of evidence. Did anyone see AC go into the apartemnt? Does he have a picture of him in the apartment? Someone that is as struck by the whores would no doubt have his camera to prove to anyone who did not believe or so that he could say " have I shown you a picture of my girlfriend?" to their new friend and soon to be class President Pedro.Anything we could submit as "exibit A" Mr Cream?

I only have a pic from the 1st day we hungout with the 3rd party. The 2nd day we hungout it was just Christie and I. I'm not the fanboy I've been made out to be. I hungout with Christie as a friend. I didn't think "I need a pic of this". I never thought in advance that Christie would do what she's done. I have a stupid belief that people are good and honest. They wouldn't put you in a position and use it to tell lies and hurt you.

You can trust though that from this day forward my camera goes everywhere I go.

AC Cream

#138136 - 01/16/06 11:43 PM Re: AC - Life as a fanboy
pariah Offline
AC Cream Wannabe

Registered: 05/05/04
Posts: 446
Loc: Los Angeles

I only have a pic from the 1st day we hungout with the 3rd party. The 2nd day we hungout it was just Christie and I. I'm not the fanboy I've been made out to be. I hungout with Christie as a friend. I didn't think "I need a pic of this". I never thought in advance that Christie would do what she's done. I have a stupid belief that people are good and honest. They wouldn't put you in a position and use it to tell lies and hurt you.

You can trust though that from this day forward my camera goes everywhere I go.

AC Cream

Was said picture taken from inside the house belonging to defendant Miss Lee ?

Also no one has made you out to be a fanboy but yourself. there are a thousand pictures of you and various pornstars and even a picture of your fucking luggage!! Nothing screams fanboy more than being proud of a bag holding your circus tent sized shirts.

If we were in Hester Prynne days you would have the scarlet letters FB stitched to your chest!


#138137 - 01/17/06 12:02 AM Re: AC - Life as a fanboy
AC Cream 2.0 Offline
Rob Black's Crack Pipe

Registered: 01/12/06
Posts: 52


I only have a pic from the 1st day we hungout with the 3rd party. The 2nd day we hungout it was just Christie and I. I'm not the fanboy I've been made out to be. I hungout with Christie as a friend. I didn't think "I need a pic of this". I never thought in advance that Christie would do what she's done. I have a stupid belief that people are good and honest. They wouldn't put you in a position and use it to tell lies and hurt you.

You can trust though that from this day forward my camera goes everywhere I go.

AC Cream

Was said picture taken from inside the house belonging to defendant Miss Lee ?

The pic was taken by the 3rd party at Santa Monica Pier of Christie and I.

Not inside her place.

AC Cream

#138138 - 01/17/06 12:08 AM Re: AC - Life as a fanboy
Smelly Monkey Offline
Porn Jesus

Registered: 01/25/04
Posts: 8662
Loc: In a k1ng like state of medioc...
Sorry to get off point but was christie lee the chick with the diseased vagina a few months back?
“Jesus said, hey baby, its all good" Wayne Lewis

#138139 - 01/17/06 12:16 AM Re: AC - Life as a fanboy
pariah Offline
AC Cream Wannabe

Registered: 05/05/04
Posts: 446
Loc: Los Angeles
So you have nothing you may offer as evidence? Something you may have taken from said apartment? A piece of mail? A locket of her hair? a pillow? Her dog? There was no nosey neighbor that saw you going into or out of said apartment? No pizza boy or the mystery third party from the grassy knoll that will back your story? No proof what so ever? Mr. Cream?

I see. No further questions Mr. Cream.

#138140 - 01/17/06 07:50 AM Re: AC - Life as a fanboy
Da Burglar Offline
Porn Jesus

Registered: 01/02/05
Posts: 5750


I only have a pic from the 1st day we hungout with the 3rd party. The 2nd day we hungout it was just Christie and I. I'm not the fanboy I've been made out to be. I hungout with Christie as a friend. I didn't think "I need a pic of this". I never thought in advance that Christie would do what she's done. I have a stupid belief that people are good and honest. They wouldn't put you in a position and use it to tell lies and hurt you.

You can trust though that from this day forward my camera goes everywhere I go.

AC Cream

Also no one has made you out to be a fanboy but yourself. there are a thousand pictures of you and various pornstars and even a picture of your fucking luggage!! Nothing screams fanboy more than being proud of a bag holding your circus tent sized shirts.

If we were in Hester Prynne days you would have the scarlet letters FB stitched to your chest!


Holy shit, Pariah is deadly with these posts... +1 for the Hester Prynne reference, I always feel better reading the sordid shit here when there is a touch of legitimate cultural/literary/academic/scientific value and integrity.

My problem tends to be I am too honest and open about things, particularly life, people and what is portrayed as sexual dynamics. AC's first problem right out of the gate was his statement that "he's not a fanboy....he hungout with Chrisite as a friend..." AC, step down off your soap box...eh, I mean cinder block... Dude, just admit it...you wanted to watch Christie bounce off your rubbery trampoline-like abdomen as she rode that Hormel-Sausage-link-of-a-dick you have...just admit it...this whole "friends" angle is your undoing. Christie is a hot porn chick, who also happens to be extremely personable and cool...but she is a hot porn chick first and foremost. I will even give you a level playing field: When I met her in person, within 30 seconds of her plopping her ass on my lap I thought about what it would be like banging her, even as we talked and I got to see her engaging personality. Sure I consider her a friend and think she's a nice chick, but for fucks sake, my whole motivation, at least from the start, evolves from the fact that Christie is a sexual dynamo, and if she had sat on my lap for another 2 or 3 minutes I would have been at least 58% erect...that doesnt make me a fan boy, that makes me normally heterosexual and horny.

The whole premise of the movie, "When Harry Met Sally" has been refuted in the last 5 years and is now BUNK, primarily in large part due to the pornography that has been produced recently. You, AC, have been enduring your own nightmare version of this "When AC Ate Christie" thread of insults because you fail to realize that under 25 year old chicks today are in control of their own destinies sexually speaking and know it, primarily because of today's porn that you consider yourself to be knowledgable about...especially sweet, self-AWARE porn chicks like Christie who know that dudes like you (and even me) are thinking about stuffing their pistoning penis' into her mouth even as you stuff pizza together as "friends" into your collective mouths.

You should have told Christie right from the get go you wanted to nail her...been rejected...accepted that rejection...documented the rejection with pictures and sworn statements....including pics of her flipping you off, dumping a Pepsi in your crotch and smearing a slice of Pepperoni & Mushroom in your face, followed by the two of you shaking hands amicably in a makeup picture...THEN you could go back to nurturing and building this friendship you seek. Seriously dude, there is a way to approach these situations properly, where you can be 'friends' with hot chicks, porn or otherwise, and yet not come off so hypocritical or creepy.

Just be honest...your whole "Christie is lying" does not play well...why would she lie about you??? She gains nothing...I mean, embrace the truth and openness, it is refreshing, it's liberating, you can be a better friend and pervert....all the hot porn chicks I know and call 'Friends', Like Christie, Gia J., and Hailey Young know me and know that I want donate a few dozen specimens of my DNA to their personal collections....ain't gonna happen, but by having it out there in the open life is a lot easier and, if the opportunities present themselves, I can share pizzas and cuddle on the couch with them without it being a Nora Ephron-type moment, and who knows, natural biology and horniness might kick in and override the normal dynamics and I get lucky someday...if not, at least I still have them as cool, non-creeped out friends and I get a lot of jerk off fodder as a bonus....

**Edited to add:** Pariah also is right in that this mystery "3rd party" needs to be revealed, or else some Zapruder-type evidence introduced into the mix here....seriously who is the "3rd party'???

Edited by Da Burglar (01/17/06 08:23 AM)
Are you gonna eat that?

#138141 - 01/17/06 09:52 AM Re: AC - Life as a fanboy
Ivor Biggun Offline
Kurt Lackwood's Fluffer

Registered: 10/09/04
Posts: 1176


in all honesty, i believe him over christie. that's just me. the picture he painted was just too vivid, to imbued with the essence of pornchick to be made-up.

I'm torn. I'd love to beat AC over the head with this, but like you I find it all too believable. This is a trick that mentally unstable chicks quite commonly pull. I had the same thing happen to me, on a grander scale than what AC alleges here. A chick I used to work with decided I was the perfect man to confide all her deepest, most private stuff in. Like being sexually abused as a child, having an abortion when she was 18 followed by a nervous breakdown, and far too much information about the abusive relationship she was in with a guy who also worked in our department. I never asked for any of it, fuck knows why but she picked me as the person to unload it all on and I was just too soft-hearted to tell her to shut up and go away. This went on for months, untill I moved into a different job and further contact became impractical. (He had a tight grip on her social life.)

Years later she finally split with the loser and we got back in contact. Saw each other a few times, plenty of calls went back and forth, just on a friendly basis but my point is that it was clearly two-way. If it was ever one-way it was on her side - back at the start, when because of circumstances I didn't really want to know. Then suddenly, I can't get hold of her. When I finally do she's like "You don't know me, we were never friends" and accuses me of stalking her. This is on the basis that I made repeated attempts to call her one night after she decided she didn't want to see me any more. Now bear in mind, she hadn't told me that I was persona non grata, she'd just made that decision (never did explain why), but somehow my trying again later when she hadn't answered before suddenly constituted stalking.

Now this girl wasn't a porn star, but I often recognise hints of the same mentality in a lot of the chicks in porn today. It's like a kind of syndrome:

1.) Projecting a ditzy, likeable persona that is just a cover for their wretched, self-loathing true selves.
2.) Seeking out relationships with abusive men.
3.) Using "nice", sympathetic guys who are willing to listen as emotional crutches, then discarding them on a whim.

Regarding 3), when they know they've fucked you over, they don't want to face you. Using the "stalker" defense is the perfect way to get a guy to back off. Now the situation here does obviously differ in several ways. I'm not saying that any of this applies to Christie - I don't know her, but I find AC's story believable although not substantiated.

Anyway, forget all that, Christie is telling the truth and AC is a lying stalker/potential serial killer. It's funnier that way...
"If I were a guy, not swallowing would be a deal breaker. So what if you cook and clean? I can get a maid for that." - Gia Jordan

#138142 - 01/17/06 11:56 AM Re: AC - Life as a fanboy
smiling arab Offline
Human Garbage

Registered: 02/12/04
Posts: 1683
Ivor, you forgot the Brass Rule: One phone call and you're out. If you just met the girl: one phone call and you're out. If you've known her for years: one phone call and you're out. If you've just celebrated your 30th wedding anniversary and just got back from driving your ambitious but sexually ambiguous progeny to his new Ivy League college: one phone call and you're out.

That's it and no more.

#138143 - 01/17/06 12:20 PM Re: AC - Life as a fanboy
Da Burglar Offline
Porn Jesus

Registered: 01/02/05
Posts: 5750

Ivor, you forgot the Brass Rule: One phone call and you're out. If you just met the girl: one phone call and you're out. If you've known her for years: one phone call and you're out. If you've just celebrated your 30th wedding anniversary and just got back from driving your ambitious but sexually ambiguous progeny to his new Ivy League college: one phone call and you're out.

That's it and no more.

Very VERY true...
Are you gonna eat that?

#138144 - 01/17/06 12:36 PM Re: AC - Life as a fanboy
Ivor Biggun Offline
Kurt Lackwood's Fluffer

Registered: 10/09/04
Posts: 1176

Ivor, you forgot the Brass Rule: One phone call and you're out. If you just met the girl: one phone call and you're out. If you've known her for years: one phone call and you're out. If you've just celebrated your 30th wedding anniversary and just got back from driving your ambitious but sexually ambiguous progeny to his new Ivy League college: one phone call and you're out.

That's it and no more.

Yeah, I knew the rule, but I always took it to be one phone call that was actually answered. When she doesn't pick up the phone, it's reasonable to think she just wasn't near it and try again later. That cannot reasonably be construed as stalking, except in the mind of a neurotic who doesn't want to have to explain herself. When I did finally get hold of her, it was one email (that revised history) and I was out.
"If I were a guy, not swallowing would be a deal breaker. So what if you cook and clean? I can get a maid for that." - Gia Jordan

#138145 - 01/17/06 12:48 PM Re: AC - Life as a fanboy
smiling arab Offline
Human Garbage

Registered: 02/12/04
Posts: 1683
Nope, it's one phone call period. One call that's not returned (and since everyone has caller ID, that's one phone call period). You might conceivably stretch that to another phone call a few days later, but that's it.

Right now, I'm dealing with a chica pulling a Seinfeldian routine: we went out once, and I didn't really like her that much (we'd known each other a few years ago, and the years have not been kind. She looks like a screaming skeleton with a dried yet oily layer of greasepaint stuck on her skull.) Her birthday was the next week, and she kept calling to see if I would take her out. The only thing I could feel watching her number pop up on caller ID was (a.) annoyance and (b.) disgust at the whiff of desperation. We went out once: get a fucking friend.

So no, she wasn't right to manipulate history, but believe me, abide by the Brass Rule and you'll never have that problem. One phone call, and if it's not returned, then have a nice life.

#138146 - 01/17/06 01:26 PM Re: AC - Life as a fanboy
Ivor Biggun Offline
Kurt Lackwood's Fluffer

Registered: 10/09/04
Posts: 1176

Nope, it's one phone call period. One call that's not returned (and since everyone has caller ID, that's one phone call period).

Actually, here in the UK live caller ID is far from universal. We have a dial-back service, but it only gives the last number that called and if you weren't around to hear the phone ring you're not going to dial it.


Right now, I'm dealing with a chica pulling a Seinfeldian routine: we went out once, and I didn't really like her that much (we'd known each other a few years ago, and the years have not been kind. She looks like a screaming skeleton with a dried yet oily layer of greasepaint stuck on her skull.) Her birthday was the next week, and she kept calling to see if I would take her out. The only thing I could feel watching her number pop up on caller ID was (a.) annoyance and (b.) disgust at the whiff of desperation. We went out once: get a fucking friend.

No offense Arab, but you're a lawyer so such behavior is not entirely unexpected. Let her down gently or hard - it's your call, but be a man. Just avoiding her is fucking spineless. In any case, the point of my original post was not to dwell on my past woes (lessons were learned, I assure you), it was to illustrate the way some chicks like to conveniently misuse the fashionable term "stalker". You must surely acknowledge that you couldn't reasonably accuse her of stalking until you'd made it clear you didn't want to see her.


So no, she wasn't right to manipulate history, but believe me, abide by the Brass Rule and you'll never have that problem. One phone call, and if it's not returned, then have a nice life.

Well, you're correct that I would never have that problem again. But applying it in reverse, I imagine many people concluding that I'm I blowing them off when I have no intention of doing so.
"If I were a guy, not swallowing would be a deal breaker. So what if you cook and clean? I can get a maid for that." - Gia Jordan

#138147 - 01/17/06 01:31 PM Re: AC - Life as a fanboy
Cindi Loftus Offline
Max Hardcore Prison Bitch

Registered: 01/24/05
Posts: 326
Loc: Fort Lauderdale, FL
THere is one thing i think everyone has missed. If Christie was dating someone or had a boyfriend at the time AC came over and hung out with her at her house, of course she didn't expect it to get out and when it did she had to have an explanation that wouldn't upset her boyfriend. and that best explanation was "oh that's a stalker, he was never in the house, he left flowers on the steps. All he's saying is lies." Seem logical????
Good people will do good things. Bad people will do bad things. But for good people to do bad things you must add religion. Steven weinberg Nobel prize winner in physics

#138148 - 01/17/06 01:41 PM Re: AC - Life as a fanboy
Ivor Biggun Offline
Kurt Lackwood's Fluffer

Registered: 10/09/04
Posts: 1176

THere is one thing i think everyone has missed. If Christie was dating someone or had a boyfriend at the time AC came over and hung out with her at her house, of course she didn't expect it to get out and when it did she had to have an explanation that wouldn't upset her boyfriend. and that best explanation was "oh that's a stalker, he was never in the house, he left flowers on the steps. All he's saying is lies." Seem logical????

Could be. Although I couldn't personally understand the mentality of a man who was happy for his girlfriend to be fucked in the ass on camera, but got jealous at her just hanging out with a male friend. OTOH, this is the wacky world of porno - who knows?
"If I were a guy, not swallowing would be a deal breaker. So what if you cook and clean? I can get a maid for that." - Gia Jordan

#138149 - 01/17/06 01:46 PM Re: AC - Life as a fanboy
smiling arab Offline
Human Garbage

Registered: 02/12/04
Posts: 1683
Hmm, I didn't know you were in the UK. Do you guys still grow your teeth in rows like sharks over there?

Kidding! Anyway, no, one date shouldn't come with the expectation that I'll be escorting her out on her birthday. Actually, the latter virtually ensures there will be no second date. I feel no obligation to correct someone's flights of fancy. There are many things I'm sure I'll burn in Hell for but that's not one of them.

And Cindy, while you're studying up on logic, here's one: What boyfriend or significant other would possibly believe AC came over to Christie's house for a booty call? Jesus Christ woman, all she'd have to do is flash the engraved lithograph he gave her of his picture (complete with his avatar in the lower right hand corner) and that hapless lil misunderstanding would be crystal clear.

#138150 - 01/17/06 01:53 PM Re: AC - Life as a fanboy
Da Burglar Offline
Porn Jesus

Registered: 01/02/05
Posts: 5750

Nope, it's one phone call period. One call that's not returned (and since everyone has caller ID, that's one phone call period). You might conceivably stretch that to another phone call a few days later, but that's it.

Right now, I'm dealing with a chica pulling a Seinfeldian routine: we went out once, and I didn't really like her that much (we'd known each other a few years ago, and the years have not been kind. She looks like a screaming skeleton with a dried yet oily layer of greasepaint stuck on her skull.) Her birthday was the next week, and she kept calling to see if I would take her out. The only thing I could feel watching her number pop up on caller ID was (a.) annoyance and (b.) disgust at the whiff of desperation. We went out once: get a fucking friend.

So no, she wasn't right to manipulate history, but believe me, abide by the Brass Rule and you'll never have that problem. One phone call, and if it's not returned, then have a nice life.

Your legal mind is almost too logical Arab...you are of course 100% correct and everything you have described is true, but what sucks is life is jusssst unpredictable enough, and enough flukes happen to give people that modicum of hope they cling to in situations like this...if your call/letter/e-mail/singing telegram isnt returned or reciprocated, there MIGHT have been a compelling reason....the cable went out, death in the family, dead battery, or a bird flying into the transformer etc etc etc. Add into the mix the fact that most people can't, or wont, say what they really feel or be honest (with themselves ... and others) and you have the recipe for 93% of all so-called "relationship/romantic/stalking" stories and dramas. It boggles the mind the time people can and DO waste...which is why, tongue in cheek, I enourage AC to just flat out be honest about things RIGHT FROM THE START and get on with life and avoid situations like this.

I do this not out of a overweening sense of obligation to help those less fortunate than me, but really for my own self edification and affirmation I am doing the right thing(s) for myself...As socially (not "morally"... "SOCIALLY") questionable as paying for sex may seem sometimes, it eliminates much of this voracious waste of time and anxiety...and believe it or not, many of my best female Friends are in the sex business, simply because the games/hassle/pride-power-selfconscious bullshit is eliminated, and the "phone calls", when they are made, are always answered or interpreted properly....its either business or friendship... Of course, I am not necessarily referring to someone like "Roxy", but women who have their head(s) on fairly straight and who can communicate effectively enough to understand them during unemotional periods...

But honesty/openness, which we all roll our eyes at and sigh and groan as being "too much to ask", would help maximize the enjoyment and take advantage of the time we all have on this floating mudball...You could almost flowchart the process/dialogue: Hypothetically, if AC approaches a porn chick (it could be Christie or any of his other girls...) and asks within the first 20 minutes "Is there even a chance in hell you'd fuck me/blow me/jerk me off, if I am the most charming, funny, smoothest dancer/conversationalist/gourmet-chef/pizza-orderer you've ever met (which I am NOT)?"....her honest answer would clarify and streamline the rest of the process...If Yes, express amazment and get it on, if NO, proceed to "friendsville", and if AC persists in trying to cuddle or talk dirty on the phone then you have your clear cut case of a Stalking Cream-zilla. If the answer is NO, AC can follow up with the aforementioned "How about if I pay?" question/scenario to the chick, which again rates HIGH in the openness/honesty chart but leaves him open to a knee to the nuts in addition to dealing with stalking accusations. If cash for gash is an option then he gets his real subconscious desire underneath the affectated "friends" longing AND the possibility of an actual client/therapist friendship with the porn chick once he has experienced what it feels like having his sausage in the chick's mouth or what his high cholesterol semen looks like on her comely visage....

Honesty and Openness are the enemies of Delusion and the cure for Delusional people ... and if the chica is in fact the blameworthy agent in the whole mess, then you have undercut her emotional firepower right from the start by being honest about your desires and intentions. But what is ironic, that I find puzzling, is that PORN chicks should as a rule be OPEN and Down to earth, given the fact that they are prancing bareass all over TVs and computers in the most exposed state possible for bi-podal intelligent creatures....why the fuck is it so hard to say what you think and feel if you can show it so easily? Damn, one question/issue begets more....this man is a menace...
Are you gonna eat that?

#138151 - 01/17/06 02:01 PM Re: AC - Life as a fanboy
Ivor Biggun Offline
Kurt Lackwood's Fluffer

Registered: 10/09/04
Posts: 1176

Anyway, no, one date shouldn't come with the expectation that I'll be escorting her out on her birthday. Actually, the latter virtually ensures there will be no second date. I feel no obligation to correct someone's flights of fancy. There are many things I'm sure I'll burn in Hell for but that's not one of them.

But all these times you've been sitting there annoyed, watching the caller ID and cursing the ringing phone, it hasn't occured to you to pick it up, tell it to her straight and probably never have to be bothered by her again? And she's in the wrong for even trying to call? Granted, after enough attempts she should have got the idea, but you're the one who's chosen the drawn out way to get the message across. Your annoyance is misdirected, IMO.
"If I were a guy, not swallowing would be a deal breaker. So what if you cook and clean? I can get a maid for that." - Gia Jordan

#138152 - 01/17/06 02:16 PM Re: AC - Life as a fanboy
Vukmir Vukmir Offline
Bukkake Boy

Registered: 04/21/03
Posts: 675
Loc: Belgrade
Page 18 and still going?
This is approaching "WOW ... Teagan!" momentum.

#138153 - 01/17/06 02:53 PM Re: AC - Life as a fanboy
smiling arab Offline
Human Garbage

Registered: 02/12/04
Posts: 1683

But all these times you've been sitting there annoyed, watching the caller ID and cursing the ringing phone, it hasn't occured to you to pick it up, tell it to her straight and probably never have to be bothered by her again? And she's in the wrong for even trying to call? Granted, after enough attempts she should have got the idea, but you're the one who's chosen the drawn out way to get the message across. Your annoyance is misdirected, IMO.

Perhaps you're putting a bit much in annoyance. The phone rings, I pull it out of my pocket and look at it. I turn the ringer off and it's over. Two seconds have elapsed from my day and I'll probably never get them back but I would have wasted them posting photoshops of a sex offender's face on Sammura's body anyway. I would opine that this is why she has no friends to take her out on her birthday. Doesn't matter in the least to me.

#138154 - 01/17/06 03:02 PM Re: AC - Life as a fanboy
Vukmir Vukmir Offline
Bukkake Boy

Registered: 04/21/03
Posts: 675
Loc: Belgrade
Oh well anyway ... it's Balkan Dance Night. I'm gonna go to the bar on the corner and stalk the cute coffee chick choreographer I keep running into. At least, she's in the neighborhood. No need for rental cars and cel phone charges,

#138155 - 01/17/06 09:30 PM Re: AC - Life as a fanboy
pariah Offline
AC Cream Wannabe

Registered: 05/05/04
Posts: 446
Loc: Los Angeles
First off I like all of you guys Arab, Ivor, Burg, I have never tried to rock the boat with any of you. I like the way you guys think. Having said that......I am busy here eating my hate sandwiches and spitting them out on AC I have never asked anything of you guys but PLEASE! I need a bit of room to work and you guys are on the field. I know it what you are saying is on topic and this is the direction that the thread has turned but COME ON HE MAY GET A PASS BACK TO HIS HAPPY HOME AND I WILL LIVE MY LIFE WITH HOLE THAT I COULD HAVE FILLED WITH HATE.

I know I just killed this thread but I do not care.


#138156 - 01/17/06 10:14 PM Re: AC - Life as a fanboy
smiling arab Offline
Human Garbage

Registered: 02/12/04
Posts: 1683
I agree. The subject of this thread is AC Cream's creepiness and stalking of Christie.

I come down firmly on the side of the female here. Christie did nothing but be her usual bubbly self, and AC, like the calculating fanboy he is, tried to take advantage of it with copious offers of cuddling. Putting the words "AC" and "cuddling" together in the same sentence is impossible to do without swallowing your lunch twice.

Also, I would like to highlight the sub-sub-subject of this thread, which is more than AC's creepiness or Christie's bubblitude but Cindy's poor choice of friends. I mean, first a crypto-Nazi and now AC Cream. No one has any thoughts on that?

#138157 - 01/18/06 12:57 AM Re: AC - Life as a fanboy
Cindi Loftus Offline
Max Hardcore Prison Bitch

Registered: 01/24/05
Posts: 326
Loc: Fort Lauderdale, FL
Arab, I like everyone until they give me a reason not too. And as far as I know 95% of the industry likes me back. I have been in this business for 14 years and probably have been fucked over 4 times. My judgement can't be that bad.
xoxo, Arab, do you want to be friends?
Good people will do good things. Bad people will do bad things. But for good people to do bad things you must add religion. Steven weinberg Nobel prize winner in physics

#138158 - 01/18/06 05:41 AM Re: AC - Life as a fanboy
pariah Offline
AC Cream Wannabe

Registered: 05/05/04
Posts: 446
Loc: Los Angeles



AC? AC BABY. Baby I am sorry for what I said and did before. I was drinking and you know that was just the booze talking. If you come back I swear I will never do that again. come on. come back? I'll buy you that ice cream you like so much. Pleeeasse.

#138159 - 01/18/06 09:20 AM Re: AC - Life as a fanboy
smiling arab Offline
Human Garbage

Registered: 02/12/04
Posts: 1683

xoxo, Arab, do you want to be friends?

Loftus isn't a Jewish name, is it?

Also, if the price of your friendship is a one hour cuddle session with AC in a dark closet (a big closet, but a dark one)... I-I'm not sure I could do that.


#138160 - 01/18/06 11:58 AM Re: AC - Life as a fanboy
Da Burglar Offline
Porn Jesus

Registered: 01/02/05
Posts: 5750

Arab, I like everyone until they give me a reason not too. And as far as I know 95% of the industry likes me back. I have been in this business for 14 years and probably have been fucked over 4 times. My judgement can't be that bad.

Tell us about that elusive 5%, include as much hate, rage and unfounded lies & gossip as you can....you will be accepted and welcomed in the Monkey Cage like Simple Carbs in AC's Blood stream if you can contribute a modest amount of industry shit that can be stirred and tossed at innocent passers-by.....comeon Cindi, Spill....the 5%.....
Are you gonna eat that?

#138161 - 01/18/06 11:25 PM Re: AC - Life as a fanboy
Cindi Loftus Offline
Max Hardcore Prison Bitch

Registered: 01/24/05
Posts: 326
Loc: Fort Lauderdale, FL
ARAB- how a bout a cuddle with me? If my name is Jewish will you turn me down? An Arab who doesn't like Jews? who wuda thunk it.
Da Burglar- Sorry that 5% is not going to be talked about until I write my memoirs and/or retire from porn writing.
Good people will do good things. Bad people will do bad things. But for good people to do bad things you must add religion. Steven weinberg Nobel prize winner in physics

#138162 - 01/19/06 12:16 AM Re: AC - Life as a fanboy
Vukmir Vukmir Offline
Bukkake Boy

Registered: 04/21/03
Posts: 675
Loc: Belgrade
Cindi has a hot mouth.

#138163 - 01/19/06 01:47 AM Re: AC - Life as a fanboy
Dane Offline
AC Cream Wannabe

Registered: 07/06/05
Posts: 591
Loc: South of Heaven
well, I met AC in person and although through his writings online I always thought he was somewhat of a creep he seem pretty normal in person. He does seem like he doesn't like a lot of people in porn which is weird considering he is just a fan. Besides that he was pretty normal, but I have some new evidence on this story.

AC Cream spends alot of time at KSEX while in the LA area. Well he was out her earlier this year and was interviewed on Dick and Scibbys show on KSEX. They asked him if he had any friends in the Industry and he did mention Christie Lee and said how he had been over to her house and met her online. One of the host were joking how they meet the stars all the time in person and have never been over to any of their houses. I remember at the time being like "What the fuck? How'd he pull that off?" because I want to bang like 10000 of these whores, he could of been lying then too, but I believe the dude.
that's hot- paris hilton

#138164 - 01/19/06 01:55 AM Re: AC - Life as a fanboy
Vukmir Vukmir Offline
Bukkake Boy

Registered: 04/21/03
Posts: 675
Loc: Belgrade
I think he's just a tad revved up ... I give him credit for some audacity, but from what I gather he has no brakes. No, he is not a bad guy. But I am not a porn girl. The last time I coinjured one, I gave her $120, and she gave me Tough Love 2.

That was sweet.

My love is your love is my love is your love is my love is here to stayyayaya ...

#138165 - 01/19/06 01:57 AM Re: AC - Life as a fanboy
Vukmir Vukmir Offline
Bukkake Boy

Registered: 04/21/03
Posts: 675
Loc: Belgrade
In fact, I have her phone number ... I will call her now at risk of stalking!

#138166 - 01/19/06 03:05 AM Re: AC - Life as a fanboy
AC Cream 2.0 Offline
Rob Black's Crack Pipe

Registered: 01/12/06
Posts: 52

well, I met AC in person and although through his writings online I always thought he was somewhat of a creep he seem pretty normal in person. He does seem like he doesn't like a lot of people in porn which is weird considering he is just a fan. Besides that he was pretty normal, but I have some new evidence on this story.

AC Cream spends alot of time at KSEX while in the LA area. Well he was out her earlier this year and was interviewed on Dick and Scibbys show on KSEX. They asked him if he had any friends in the Industry and he did mention Christie Lee and said how he had been over to her house and met her online. One of the host were joking how they meet the stars all the time in person and have never been over to any of their houses. I remember at the time being like "What the fuck? How'd he pull that off?" because I want to bang like 10000 of these whores, he could of been lying then too, but I believe the dude.

Thanks Dane,

It's easier to remember who I don't like. I like more people than I dislike. I'm just not afraid to say what I think of people, things, or top companies.

But thanks again for the kind words Dane. Your a stand up guy. Had fun hanging at the circle bar and conversing at AEE.

AC Cream

#138167 - 01/19/06 08:49 AM Re: AC - Life as a fanboy
Jeff Steward Offline
Porn Jesus

Registered: 04/14/03
Posts: 7408
Loc: JM Productions

AC Cream spends alot of time at KSEX while in the LA area.

Now I know the guy is out of his mind.AC do yourself a favor and seek perfessional help.Sanity is waiting.
all women should be victims of something, because they lied. - big moose

#138168 - 01/20/06 12:02 AM Re: AC - Life as a fanboy
Cindi Loftus Offline
Max Hardcore Prison Bitch

Registered: 01/24/05
Posts: 326
Loc: Fort Lauderdale, FL
Cronk, THanks I think, lol. not sure if that was a compliment or an insult.

Lets change this subject to AC- Life as a Porn Reporter. His story about Vegas will be on line at Xcitement.com and in Xcitement Magazine around Feb 1st
Good people will do good things. Bad people will do bad things. But for good people to do bad things you must add religion. Steven weinberg Nobel prize winner in physics

#138169 - 01/20/06 11:37 AM Re: AC - Life as a fanboy
Vukmir Vukmir Offline
Bukkake Boy

Registered: 04/21/03
Posts: 675
Loc: Belgrade
Cin -- Big Daddy was drinking again.
I'm sure it was complimentary.

#138170 - 01/20/06 11:50 AM Re: AC - Life as a fanboy
Dane Offline
AC Cream Wannabe

Registered: 07/06/05
Posts: 591
Loc: South of Heaven


well, I met AC in person and although through his writings online I always thought he was somewhat of a creep he seem pretty normal in person. He does seem like he doesn't like a lot of people in porn which is weird considering he is just a fan. Besides that he was pretty normal, but I have some new evidence on this story.

AC Cream spends alot of time at KSEX while in the LA area. Well he was out her earlier this year and was interviewed on Dick and Scibbys show on KSEX. They asked him if he had any friends in the Industry and he did mention Christie Lee and said how he had been over to her house and met her online. One of the host were joking how they meet the stars all the time in person and have never been over to any of their houses. I remember at the time being like "What the fuck? How'd he pull that off?" because I want to bang like 10000 of these whores, he could of been lying then too, but I believe the dude.

Thanks Dane,

It's easier to remember who I don't like. I like more people than I dislike. I'm just not afraid to say what I think of people, things, or top companies.

But thanks again for the kind words Dane. Your a stand up guy. Had fun hanging at the circle bar and conversing at AEE.

AC Cream

Now I know how the chicks feel
that's hot- paris hilton

#138171 - 01/22/06 03:37 AM Re: AC - Life as a fanboy
pris Offline
Max Hardcore Prison Bitch

Registered: 12/03/05
Posts: 344
jesus christ,

Im 50 times better looking, better bod, my mind seems better, I dont watch porn

And yet, you guys invite that weird fat boy ?

#138172 - 01/22/06 10:39 AM Re: AC - Life as a fanboy
John Floofin Offline
Porn Icon

Registered: 02/04/05
Posts: 3499
Loc: The Dirty: 480
Pris, you are so far off the reservation that it ain't even funny, unless of course you're Brandon, or Monkey, or somebody's dupe. Yeah whatever, I like Charmane too though.

#138173 - 01/22/06 02:02 PM Re: AC - Life as a fanboy
pris Offline
Max Hardcore Prison Bitch

Registered: 12/03/05
Posts: 344
Dont know what you said

But im a 100 times better looking and thats all that counts

#138174 - 01/22/06 10:55 PM Re: AC - Life as a fanboy
Vukmir Vukmir Offline
Bukkake Boy

Registered: 04/21/03
Posts: 675
Loc: Belgrade
Man, this thread has hit the skids ...

#138175 - 01/22/06 11:45 PM Re: AC - Life as a fanboy
pariah Offline
AC Cream Wannabe

Registered: 05/05/04
Posts: 446
Loc: Los Angeles

jesus christ,

Im 50 times better looking, better bod, 1. my mind seems better , 2. I dont watch porn 3.And yet, you guys invite that weird fat boy ?

My comments:
1. The jury may still be out on that one.
2. Then how do you know about Miss Star?
3. I hope he comes back.



#138176 - 01/23/06 01:26 AM Re: AC - Life as a fanboy
pris Offline
Max Hardcore Prison Bitch

Registered: 12/03/05
Posts: 344
2. Then how do you know about Miss Star?

Saw a pic on the web and shes pretty

#138177 - 01/23/06 10:49 PM Re: AC - Life as a fanboy
Cindi Loftus Offline
Max Hardcore Prison Bitch

Registered: 01/24/05
Posts: 326
Loc: Fort Lauderdale, FL
I just wanted to mention a couple of my other good friends in porn in case you wanted to comment- Mary Carey WAnkus & Tyler Faith, and Gauge & Jason. Are they okay?
Good people will do good things. Bad people will do bad things. But for good people to do bad things you must add religion. Steven weinberg Nobel prize winner in physics

#138178 - 01/23/06 11:20 PM Re: AC - Life as a fanboy
Monstar Offline
Porn Jesus

Registered: 03/28/04
Posts: 4450
Loc: The Planet Houston

Are they okay?

man. even stevie wonder can see this coming. he tip-toed the fuck outta here.
ContactPornStars.com TheStarFactoryEnt.com

#138179 - 01/24/06 10:12 AM Re: AC - Life as a fanboy
Vukmir Vukmir Offline
Bukkake Boy

Registered: 04/21/03
Posts: 675
Loc: Belgrade
If that's Pris she is pretty cute.

#138180 - 01/24/06 11:26 AM Re: AC - Life as a fanboy
Soopergrizz Offline
Porn Fucking Master

Registered: 02/23/05
Posts: 3724
Loc: Paddling my canoe in the wild

If that's Pris she is pretty cute.

I believe Pris is a male fake account, rather than a female fake account. Moreover, I further believe that the picture is Natalie Portman.

As a final note, yeah, I'd like to fuck her too - she's a Harvard student, and they're ALL hot!
You're all still alive?

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