Yes Owen, that was a pretty stupid post on my part.

I've learned a lot since then.

First, we definitely don't want to get 'revenge' any more.

That was just me being a moron.

Second, the girl we know is now out of the industry, dating, and getting back to having a somewhat normal life.

Luckily, she came out of it without any problems.

Of course, I can't verify that, and I have to go by what she tells us.

About the 300 girls...

...that isn't a lie.

That post was written in about July of 2003, and yeah, you folks here have certainly taught us a lot.

Back then, I had this really silly idea that porn was a safe place to have sex on camera with other attractive people, with little or no long-term side effects.

Man was I wrong.

Thank God I took the time to do some research before I jumped in with my wife, who probably would have cut my nuts off if we'd done a movie, like Marey Carey, and got Herpes our first time out. At least that's the rumor about Ms. Carey, so I don't know if it's true.

Thus, I apologize for that extremely naive post.

Chalk it up to stupidity, which is part of the learning experience.

As for Gen's lovely comments...

You have a point.

Maybe we got lucky before.

However, the girls we have relationships with are girls we've usually known for a while. By a while, I mean months.

Through the course of months, while we're 'courting' I guess, we get to know a girl before we get together with her. In that time, girls let things slip.

And we listen.

Before we ever go get tested, we already know who she's seen, slept with recently, and whether or not she has any 'odd' symptoms. Most of the time, if a girl has something, she usually tells us before we ever go get tested. Then, we just remain friends with her.

We aren't people who just 'jump in'. You'll never see us at the Entertainium, either. We went there once, just to look around. We prefer to be safe and wait until we know someone.

When I wrote that letter, the girl we know had told us that 'in the industry' she 'gets tested' and therefore 'can't get a disease.'

That's how it was presented to her, by some of you wonderful people, at least.

So, I guess I bought into it, too.

Why would anyone mislead her, I thought?

I didn't realize until August, when the big outbreaks of Gonnorea and Syphillis and Chlamydia were going around, that she had been mislead.

When I found out how the testing REALLY works, I did the best I could to get a hold of that girl, so I could tell her.

I got a hold of her, and I told her.

She was horrified.

She'd already done a ton of movies and had a bunch of boxcovers. She is now celibate, waiting to meet the 'right guy', and when she does, wants to take him to get a Full Panel Test if things go farther.

I'm glad I made a difference in her life.

She's a great person, I'm still totally crazy about her, and she deserves all the best things life has to offer.

Anyway Gen, I have always used a condom with the girls we've been with. Knowing what I now know, however, I guess we got lucky. I never knew, until last August, that Herpes could be transmitted without detectable sores. That blew me away.

To find out that 66% of people in the porn industry have Herpes...shit man, that just scared the fuck out of us.

Talk about a sacrifice.

And all you get is a few measly thousand dollars?

Christ, I make that in a couple of transactions, and I don't have to get fucking Herpes. Ouch.

It just don't seem like a fair trade to me.

Now that I know what I know, we're smarter about who we sleep with.

So, that takes care of me, Gen.

What drives me nuts with you is that you are SUPPORTING the way the industry currently works.

If I was a performer, I'd be scared shitless about all those STD's. I'd also be pretty fucking mad at the person that got me into it, who didn't give me the whole story.

I guess once you're in the industry, and you get all those STD's, you're just sort of fucked.

You're like a vampire, it seems.

When you get all those diseases, you're stuck in the life for good now. It's like the other vampires sucker you into it, saying, 'come with us, it's eternal life, you'll love it!...'

...and then you get in, get all that shit, and realize you can't get out.

Just like vampires.

As to the suggestion that I kill myself, or that I already have Herpes...neither one are true, or will ever be.

I'm fully alive, and happy I avoided screwing up myself and my wife by jumping in to something that could have made us vampires.

More than that...

...I really, really appreciate waking up in the morning WITHOUT any sores or itching. I'm glad I didn't fuck us up. If we couldn't have had a child, our own child, I would have been really fucked us up, too.

I'm not against what you do, Gen.

I just think that instead of supporting the way things are, you should be voicing your opinion about how to change stuff.

You really don't make any sense.

It's like, you talk about how great this life is, then you acknowledge that there are terrible problems with it, then, instead of doing something about those problems... go off on me.

I'm an easy target.

The Outsider