

what ever happened to Tuna Can Joe?, he was supposed to be the biggest thing from NYC to put the Valley to shame.

good question... answer. Anyone....

Lou I guess he just got him and his friends laid for a few bucks, and made them believe they'd be the first NEXT BIG THING to come out of NYC. I think that's pretty fucked up of him, he was supposed to be coming out with a movie in April of 2006.....2 plus years late and nada...no word from him or about him. I gotta give it to him though, he did trick the tricks. He got quite a few hotties to go there for him and all with the promise of a Jets game and a tailgaiting party, but we know how smart teh porn whores are. Right?
I hope they at least got paid on the spot for whatever they did for him and his friends. Mia Rose was one of em, she was on the radio show he used to advertise on. They fucked her with the drilldoe (sp?) ....Ahhhh to be a porn whore, Im envious.
Girls can be so manipulated so easily, I take comfort in the fact that hopefully at least some women have more smarts than this. One can hope, can't I?

Goodnite folks and Happy Holidays to you and yours. Enjoy the eve and the day....I will be.