12:59 a.m. December 24, 2005

BLUE SPRINGS, Mo. – A lovers' dispute over a cell phone ended suddenly when the woman swallowed the phone whole, police said.
Police said they received a call at 4:52 a.m. Friday from a Blue Springs man who said his girlfriend was having trouble breathing. When they arrived at the house they found the 24-year-old woman had a cell phone lodged in her throat.
"He wanted the phone and she wouldn't give it to him, so she attempted to swallow it," Detective Sgt. Steve Decker of the Blue Springs Police Department. "She just put the entire phone in her mouth so he couldn't get it."
Police said an ambulance transported the woman to St. Mary's Medical Center in Blue Springs. A hospital spokeswoman said she couldn't give details about the woman's health since police have not released her identity.

Copied and pasted from here

And now for a drink:

1 oz Amaretto
1 oz Grand Marnier
Hot Tea (Orange Pekoe)

Mix Amaretto and Grand Marnier in a glass, add tea to taste. Note: It is important to add the tea to the other ingredients, and not the other way around, or the flavour transformation will not occur.
It's not the same as swallowing a cellphone, but it's definately tiki.
I hit her with the hammer on top of the head. She made a lot of noise and kept on making noise, so I hit her again.