The girls I refer to that should consider boob jobs are few are far between. It's not necessarily because they are too small, but sometimes you get what I call "flapjack tits" from women who have had children. Now under normal circumstances that's fine, but when you decide to make a career out of being nude, that's different. And I'm not suggesting these women get huge ballons attached to their chest. A good example is Anais-- she got her boobs done, and had them only filled out to a modest C cup. But overall, most girls should keep what they have. Even Jenna had nice boobs before she got them done, in my opinion. In case you couldn't tell because of my huge rack (snort) mine are real-- and I'm keeping 'em that way.
I really try to retain a respectful distance from my models, even when I'm lubing up their pussies.