



I have wiped away most of my new york/brooklyn italian accent, but i can still turn it on when i need to.

And now WHY would you go and do that??
It's a beautiful thing.

Because i spent 5 years in finance, the first year being in client service speaking to very high net worth clients from the midwest and south. As cute as some people may find the accent, it doesn't translate over the phone very well. I was rolling with the highbrow finance crowd and didn't want to be looked at as joey boombotz from brooklyn, or one of those monkeys from that shitty movie boiler room. Don't worry gypsy, i live and grew up in little italy, i can turn it on and off like the lights in my apartment.

Oh I could definitely understand losing it when dealing w/folks such as these.
Im a paralegal and sometimes if my clients are not people from the neighborhood or similar or totally like me, I change also, I feel like a phoney, cause that is not the real me, but I know we do what we have to do.
Its all good.
Im glad you didnt lose any of it. Cause you should be proud of it. I know that people automatically think stuipd when they think of Brooklyn Italian Men even Women for that matter. But that is NOT the case 75% of the time.
Yeah the other 25% are off the bracciole.