


Only in porn could an executive...(Head of Production, is it?) talk this way to fans and not have the publicity destroy him.

Your argument isn't the most reasoned, Keith. How are you going to protect yourself from someone who "rolls up on you" with an AK-47 and tears you in half with bullets? You won't be able to. You're obviously talking about a fistfight, and anyone who was seriously setting out to hurt you wouldn't bother with that. How does challenging someone to fight you prove anything? Are you straight off the prison yard?

Challenging someone to violence is hardly a way to resolve problems.


fuck anyone who talks shit

People talk shit. That's what people do. People who are secure in their success ignore the people who talk shit and go about their business anyway without bothering to talk back. Does the opinion of a bunch of "cyber geeks" matter that much to you?

Maybe the reason people talk shit about you and Taylor (And I have no knowledge of the conflict or its nature...I could care less) talk shit about you because you give them fodder to do so. You made your bed.

Sleep in it. Imbecile.

Hey wait just a God Damn Minute!

No one told me we were allowed to make reasonably intelligent posts on this forum!

here's the thing- I have heard many things about this guy Keith, threatening to cut peoples throats like Derek Hey and guys in Jersey and it is my understanding that this shit head isn't even a bad mother fucker. It has been discovered that along with his struggling company (defiance) he too is trying to be a something he is not and that means on thing-
open season on the cyber loser. Taylor Rain and her website isn't even worth talking about. Personally I'd like to see the two of them bound together with a pot roast chained to their ankles while getting thrown into a pool of Great White sharks.