James, some interesting comments and a lot of hate. Just out of curiosity, do you personally know Cytherea, Fayner or Taylor Rain?

Where does your hate come from? Did you date both and have bad experiences? Does it come from watching Cytherea and Taylor in DVD's? Do you know anything about Cytherea, Fayner and Rain outside of what you read on the internet or see on dvd's? Is there anyone you like? And if so, who and why?

I don't know Cytherea or Taylor personally so how could I hate them? I don't know David Letterman either, but he annoys me so should I wish him death or simply change the channel?

Trinity's post seems very real because she obviously has personal knowledge and dealings with ALL the participants mentioned. So please tell us, anyone with hatred for Cytherea, Fayner or Taylor, what did they do to you personally that has caused you to hate?