" I challenge anyone who takes shots at the woman who chooses to spend her life with me.."

do you know this is funny on two levels? first, because it's not really a sentence. next, because you'll be paying child support in two years, your relationship's half-life has vegas odds roughly the same as uranium-235.

"Ill fight anyone who has issues with their mommies"

classy keef, they teach you that at wharton? kellogg? tuck? i hear sloan's got jiu-jitsu classes forming to teach execs armbars when they eat their own feces in the public eye like you are.
some of us aren't really nerds, we're just mean and we smell the stupid on you like dogs do fear.

"watch our movies"
did you catch the last guy who said he didn't like the product from you he'd seen?
"She has no waist, no arse...an interesting face...but all we are really worshipping is two bags of silicone"

Martin Amis "honoring" katie price with a character bearing some of her traits