Ok, so after seeing all these posts about all the scumbags and schemes going on in my city, I just wanted to post and say for any hottt girls looking to work out here on the east coast, we are trying to bring diiirty goodness back to NY. At the moment we are bringing girls in from LA and FL using agencies like LA Direct and TeraPatrick, but we would really like to feature some local NY "balls-to-walls" type girls. We are very selective about the talent we use, so if you are truly hottt and fit, look us up.
TunaCan Studios is the adult production end of Darc Industrie, and the first site TunaCan will be rolling out will be the hotttest girl/girl site there is. Now, i know some people think g/g is kind of lame, but the stuff we are shooting is smokin', and it is just the start! We will be starting filming for our anal site starting in January.
Keep a look out for TunaCan Studios fan parties as well, the first party will be the TAILgate party in Miami 12/18 for the jets/dolphins game. We will be out in the lot boozin' it up, then heading into the game. The Tailgate is free, and tickets to sit with the group are 51.00, face value, and a few tix are still left.
So NY porn is not dead, we are going to rock this city and make some filth worthy of the greatest, biggest, baddest city in the world!
Check us out on myspace at