I saw the interview he had with luke and the guy is beyond delusional. First off, luke starts by saying that tom asks to see the pictures luke has taken of him and deletes the ones he doesn't like, considering he kept the following one i shudder to think of which ones didn't pass the grade.
(hate to get off the point, as it isn't my style

but here with tom is Austyn Moore who you KNOW is one of those girls who thinks porn is a stepping stone into the mainstream biz, you can almost see into her mind with this picture " omg tom sizemore, he like knows robert deniro and other big stars, now if i only sleep with him he will totally like introduce me to deniro and like so many casting directors and other important people and maybe by like 2011 i will be nominated for my 1st oscar then i will teach my alcoholic father who said id never amount to anything as he blew his load on my face wrong)
Anyways back to the point, heres the part that kills me
Luke: "How has this [porn] tape affected your life?"
Tom: "Hmm. The fortunate thing..."
Tom turns to Aly Drummond. "How would you say this without being crude?"
Aly: "You can be crude to Luke."
Tom: "Could you do this for me?"
Aly: "Sure. It makes him really popular with the ladies."
Tom: "Because..."
Aly: "He has a massive penis. A big cock."
NOWWWWWWWWWW I haven't seen the actual movie itself but i have seen screen shots and a running commentary of the movie (im pissed that i couldn't find it because its fucking hilarious). But id rank sizemores member between max hardcores and alex sanders, in other words the dudes rigged like a poodle. How he could actually BELIEVE that he is hung is beyond a 10 year addiction to meth and pills. (btw jersey jaxin is in the sizemore porn, i see he spares no expense when it comes to his whores, it set him back two of the blue ones and cab fare to and from the hotel)
Luke: "How have your peers in Hollywood reacted to you about this [porn tape]?"
Tom: "I don't, frankly, give a f---. But they all like it. In all seriousness."
(translation, no one is responding to my calls and his career is in the toilet, but hey im here at the hustler store with my fucking agent lying about my penis size, lifes good, right?)
"Do you know what affected my career? That stupid f---ing bitch [Heidi] Fleiss. She affected my career. And she couldn't even f--- worth a s---. And not the one you're thinking of. Not Heidi Fleiss. Heidi Nice. I can't help it."
(yes it was heidi that killed your career, not the fact you beat on women, are baked out of your mind 11 months a year or get caught acting like a demonic crack baby on a porn video demanding the girls cum 14 seconds after jumping on your poodle cock and squirt in your mouth,wait a minute, whats that? I hear spielbergs on the phone offering you the role of lovable dad in his new family movie. PLEASE)
Anyway im not going further into his interview because you basically know the path its going down, its everyone elses fault but mine, yada yada yada, everyone loves me, it was her not me. Monkey out.