
What are people afraid of? If the story is true, what will happen to the ones reporting it?

What if it's not quite true? There should be witnesses for the fight part, but I doubt Dion has let very many people look over the books (profit) and I would be very hestitant to believe claims it's a financial mess. It's been obvious from the start that Dion has wanted a high volume / low price model, and there's no reason that can't work as long as he can spread out fixed costs across enough product (again, something he's obviously been doing).

I'm also not so sure the distributors are in a position to push too hard: Dion has created strong brand awareness and demand among raincoaters, and a distributor who drops RLD risks seeing retailers place orders with other distributors due to customer demand.
"If they can't picture me with a knife, forcing them to strip in an alley, I don't want any part of it. It's humiliating." - windsock