Wow ,look at what I found on Dion is a real scumbag .

Wanker Wang Posts: Since Thursday, I've been hearing from sources inside Red Light District about a major battle for the soul of Red Light. Dion Giarusso who was the President and Salesperson at Red Light became involved in a fist fight with his brother over alleged financial improprieties. Now, I personally have alot of love for Dion. I think he's a damn good salesperson whether with distributors or even with making deals. But it seems that those deals were made of sand and they're going to blow away. I'm not going to even make public what I've heard from inside Red Light District. There's no reason to. All I can say is that if they are as shady as reported, it behooves the senses.

The greatest success story in porn history has been Red Light. Over the past two years, they exploded into the marketplace like a roman candle and coursed through the many veins of the consumer's consciousness like warm liquid gold. However, if all is true, it was a complete mirage to begin with. They were able to hit the marketplace like a complete explosion and hit more shelf space quicker than any gonzo company in history. Unfortunately, I've heard from numerous distributors that most of this had to deal with undercutting the competition by selling product at dirt cheap prices. They were able to lure the best directors, the best male talent, the best of everything with outrageous deals, seemingly too good to be true. They saturated the Internet by licensing their content at dirt cheap prices. They sold foreign rights at dirt cheap prices. Funny thing is, alot of those titles sold to foreign countries came directly back to the States. There were cash deals even lower than the invoicing price. Don't believe me? Ask distributors.

Speaking of Vince ... apparently it is the director they started with who is lobbying to take over the general manager position of Red Light in the post-Dion years. But who will be the salesperson? Without the salesperson who intimately knows his distributors, any porn company is dead in the water. After all, this is the company that supposedly sold 20,000 copies of No Cum Dodging Allowed and, eight months later, the director is in the hole bigger than he ever was ... These bogus numbers were a fraud from day one. Perhaps it was 20,000 units sold but is it possible that half of that was sold on the side?

It will be a tough road ahead. No doubt about that. In the post-Dion world, there will be immediate firings, there will be more monetary accountability, they will try to raise their prices, and people, particularly those who supposedly own their own product, will feel betrayed. Production will slow and the feeling of vast riches will no longer be there. Distributors will try to grind them down even with the cut rate prices Dion set. When you shake hands with a snake, sometimes it ends up pissing poison into your eyes. And that's exactly what he was. Dion was an octopus who used his tentacles to excite you about the future yet picking your pocket at the same time.

All we can hope is for a better future for Red Light District Video, its current directors, and its employees.

"Rape one baby and they label you a child molester. It's a cruel world brother." Skeeter Kerkove