
You see blood? If it's coming out your ass, maybe you should tell your boyfriend not to fuck you so hard in it. Maybe, I don't know, you should go to a hospital or something get that checked out. Imagine the crazy shit that could happen if it ever got infected. Yucky pooh!

You know why?

My guess is because your head is full of homo-erotic imagery. Please keep it to yourself.


Because I'm Rick James bitch.

No you’re just a little punk ass bitch.


C'mon Have2Cit, you're making this too easy. Fucking Hillary Clinton. LOL! It wouldn't be my place to talk about Hillary, outside of the fact that she's a great and proud American and would probably do a much better job than your current President.

Easy you mean like your ass in a jail cell easy? Great and Proud, LOL, Jesus Christ you are really stupid. And I am so surprised you stood up for her. I’m in complete shock really.


Fuck, by the way, Gonzalez is a Republican, Bush put him there and he's the one trying to take porn off the net. Asscroft, Roberts, etc... All repubs and all trying to thwart your ability to look at consenting adults having sex.

The hell you say I didn’t know he was a republican. I’ll trust a man over a feminist any day when it comes to my porn.


Let's not talk about what Hillary might do.

How convenient for you, but I know what’s in store if she is ever elected. Say bye-bye to porn. All porn.


Let's talk about what your right wing administration is doing RIGHT FUCKING NOW! You stupid fuck!

Well alright, it’s Labor Day so they’re probably on the golf course waiting on you’re liberal comrades to play through.


Ah, Have2Cit, it's the good old gays all over again.

The only difference is your bleeding now.