Thanks guys... I am back and alive 'n well. It was a really fun weekend filled of crazily times. I did manage to keep my mouth quiet and clean when I did have to speak amongst the elderly. Which basically means I didn't speak much but smile LOL!!!
On the other hand, I couldn't restrain myself one bit being around friends. Shocking as we all know that I dont drink very often but I did Friday and Sunday, Saturday I drank but didn't get drunk... although being the only girl in the group, I think I out-disgusted everyone there except for myself of course. Some I had not met and their mouths were on the floor. I can't describe it. But I guess that's how the Padover makes it happen... right Monstar? You know how I is!
The bachlor party was really fun... funny too cuz we got the groom so plastered off of "Car Bombs" he had to concentrate on his overly salivating mouth. You know what that means!!! hahaha... he said he spent two hours on the toilet when he got home... some of it he was just passed out. haha
There was a Limo which on the windows said "Last Fling Before Ring" I thought it was the funniest thing ever in the world. So I figured I'd share with ya.
All the damn restaurants on Cannery Row in Monterey is good. Different kinds of clam chowder and each one was awesome! The only thing that bugged me was at Bubba Gumps Shrimp Co. they have this garlic lemon pesto of some sort sauce with pasta and shrimp. The sauce tasted like pure lemon juice. If anyone knows, I love my lemon and water but... um, not THAT much lemon geez. So I dont recommend that.
We all went to this bar/night club thing for the hell of it on Saturday... it was ookay but damn, I dont know whats in monterey's water but it seemed like the shortest girl aside from me was about 5'6!!! Kinda scary!
Ah and if anyone wonders how I dealt with being at a wedding for the first time... me and friend Freddy sat together since we were the only ones in the group NOT IN the wedding. We had a few drinks before, then took pictures through the entire ceremony and I held his thing of bubbles for him LOL... yea he was drunk. I was buzzed enough to get decent pictures of the couple. LOL So the picture taking kept me occupied like a five year old with its game gear. HAHAHA
Nah but it was perty. So was the hotel... very fancy shmancy. Monterey Bay Hotel and Spa... check it out if you ever head up there. NIce views and their restaurant Schooners is pretty good!
OH! And if you guys are ever wanting to go to a bar and find some MILFs go to Sly McFly's. There's lots of them there LOL

Good music if you like jazz, blues, funk and old classic rock.
Hmmm... what else? I can't think right now, I just got home and I'm pooped LOL but yea.. hope you all had a good weekend!
P.S. I can't believe Genesis Skye retired. Crazy, oh well... whatever makes her happy. Good luck, girly!