After much contemplation, Big Worm had decided to join forces with Smartt. That's right!... if you can't beat them, join them. Big Worm has no use for the following people:
1) jamesn - they banned Smartt for 3 days, what more do you want? You're being a fucking baby and you know it... "give me what i want or i am leaving to go be a faggot at ADT." Well i say be one then, Smartt is actually more likable in comparison since he honored the ban on him while you are still over there pouting like a little faggot. If you had spammed, you would have gotten the same treatment, now your crying because you didn't get your way, you are one spoiled ass little baby and that goes for bornyo and random as well.
2) Coochie Monstar, my once ally... you are now considered by me to be a piece of shit... FUCK YOU!!! You chased away Kami, and this will not soon be forgotten by me... WATCH YOUR STEP!!!
3) Smelly Monkey, you are a fucking tool... look at you pandoring to jameson and the others to come back, what a spineless piece of shit you are as well... WAAAHHH.... like a little fucking baby!... tanta's daddy is right, you cry like a little bitch without all your little fan boys around to support you. Want to try and take me on without them? Me and Garfield will have your little firewall wannabe ass for breakfest, lunch and dinner. So try me bitch, you will quickly be making up an excuse to jeff and tony as to why you can no longer be moderator when in fact you will be running for your life... TRY ME BITCH... you sucked Smartt's cock during that whole ordeal while Da Burg was trying to give him that temporary ban, now your begging for everyone to come back after you fucked everything up... FUCK YOU!
Any questions for Big Worm... please post them, I beg you.