This picture sends me into a violent rage, it has every annoying mannerism that pisses me off in it, then add the suit coat, the over the top homer shot gun whore make up look, her hair. Pictures like this is why innocent people die everyday.
The real winner on this night was lisa's jeans , no doubt. Having to hold it together for what im guessing was a good 4-5 hours, hang in there.
This is a message to dave pounder, you picked a bad time to retire, look at the talent you are leaving behind. If this was the 70's and they were viet cong we wouldn't have to deal with this, unfortunately it isn't and we do.
Hey, hey, hey, you listen now, don't you ever speak to me this way again, you hear me?, you understand, i will smack you right in the mouth (she rolls eyes). Hey i saw this, you are very lucky i am not my father, otherwise you would be strung and pulled in two different directions by donkeys while me and my sons throw stones at you.
In order to be the best attention whore you must be aware of where every camera is, hey see theres one, now strike an annoying pose while all of lukes readers learn to hate you as much as they do me.
I love this picture, not because its so easy to take apart but because i know how Luke must of felt taking it and knowing the reaction and responses that could come from it. Like a national geographic photographer waiting 30 years to try and get the perfect picture and knowing as soon as you snap it that you've nailed it.