



Are we talking about recent porn outbreaks?

Brazil always turns up in the media as the culprit. Just wondering how much proof there is?

Morbs...of course we´re talking about recent porn outbreaks. I´m talking to you that we had 2 of them. The first one between 1997/98 (100% North American) and the 2nd in 2004 (with a brazilian origin).

Now talking about Brazil. I think that if U have unprotected sex with a woman or a tranny wherever U are (US, France, Russia, Thailand, Brazil, South Africa...) U will be putting yourself is serious danger. It´s not a problem related to 'the place' and more about 'the behaviour'. Take a look at Stagliano and James...

Sure, I agree. But how hard is to get AIDS from women, via vaginal sex?
Compared to being on the receiving of anal sex?

Interesting discussion.

Tommy Morrison (The Duke's Grandson) got it from women.

yeah I remember hearing about that. there was a few 'noted' celebs that got AIDS in the 90's. Remember Easy-E, NWA?

So MANY straight people have sex without condoms these days, yet AIDS have kinda left the media.

Now it's HPV and Hep C, they are creeping up on the kill ratio, may even overtake AIDS.