
A character. Yeah right? So that makes it ok. It also makes it ok if you get paid. That's some logic. Maybe your "character" helped fuel these sickos somewhow. You "don't feel guilt" that's healthy, that's hypocritical.

Its like acting in any other movie, i play a part.. a role... i wouldnt feel guilty if i was in an action or horror movie... why would i feel guilty here. the people who are going to commit crimes based on what they see are likely to do it anyway... i just feel that here, this board and those who spawned it, is like a meeting place for the dregs. Face it, its a bunch of perverts who couldnt even get along with other perverts and got sick of being picked on so they took their ball and went home. obviously that demonstrates a true lack of social skills.


did you find God or something? Get off the high horse before you get knocked off it.

i didn't find god... but he found me. he illumiated the path to true beauty for my weary and worn down soul.

but to clarify the "art" statement. i dint want to sound like a faggoty Eon McKai "i make art not porn" type of pretentious motherfucker...
I was just stating that in comparison to the unoriginal, cut from the same mold copycat garbage out there... or the shit that poses ar porn but is only erotic to the deeply disturbed... a campbells soupcan full of shit... is art.
Theres a great big beautiful tomorrow...shining at the end of everyday.