
so many of you truly make me sick... i read your posts and hope to god your just typing what you say to be "cool" in the eyes of a "man" like Jeff Sewer... cause if not many of you need to be committed or otherwise so as not to be a danger to society... seeing the audience we tend to feed in this business makes me feel sick. did we create this beast or did the beast create us... i hope to god none of you have children, especially daughters... lord knows your oral excrement paints you as potential abuser/molesters. can't you just be happy watching sex that is actually hot and erotic rather than garbage meant only to amuse pedophiles. serial killers, and man who have been rejected so many times they can only get off on revenge.

You are guilty. You are a pornographer who, as you admitted, feeds the beast. There is nothing that can take the guilt of your part in all this away short of suicide. The bell can't be unrung. You did it, and must live a compromised life because of it until the day you die.
