Some people watch gonzo for the degredation, humiliation and pain with the detachment of De Sade and the morbid frustration of a commitment to their perversion that somehow they feel guilty for or blatantly diseased about. Gonzo now reflects reality in many ways. If you can’t deal w/ the scumbags and stuff you find stomach churning you are in the wrong business, but I can relate to that feeling of disgust Rob unleashed cept for the Jeff Sewer comment was a cheap shot from a guy who listens to Boyd Rice.
Yo, I remember when gonzo didn’t always focus on dehumanization and negativity. I despise the mean, so why would I enjoy it inflicted on deluded chicks. Max did his style rough w/ finesse on the cutting edge early on, now he’s a piss puke fuckbot from hell. From the start JM manifested extremity that I saw as boundry expansion pushing towards the evolution of gonzo. There was creativity then and a reason for the madness somewhere blurred in absurdity and perversity. In retrospect, what is being manifest today can be credited to Jeff Mike, Jim Powers, Max Hardcore, John T. Bone & Rob Black. These freaks, while at the time being somewhat outside the norm, have become the godfathers of today’s brutal gonzo. Sadly, it has become a grim landscape peopled by creeps and cretins which makes it a dark bellweather for a world overpopulated, always at war, stalked by serial killers, gangs, pedophiles in the night w/ threats of superweapons in the hands of terrorists. Fuck the world and the digital SUV always on the cellphone high speed insanity in America now.
I think it’s important to explore the decadence, revel in its beauty, misinterpert it as art, condemn it, fuel the fantasy, fight w/ fire, feed an addiction whilst being repulsed by its evil and/or reveling in the evil. It's up to you. It's free country, but it’s become a self-centered planet and porn adds to the isolation from interaction and feeds the frustation of the lonely, the horny, & the hopeless degenarates. Where do you fit in or are you a combination of this unholy trinity? Maybe neither. Juke touched on a vibe I try to ride when I look at porn likewise I agree w/ smut fiend's take on the subject.
All the opinions voiced in the posts above from diverse tastes represnts an interesting dichotomy of common and uncommon perceptions of reality tainted by pornography depending on your opinion and taste. In life there are the pathetic that feed on another’s misery and there seems to be fuckload making porn and watching porn. As in all forms of entertainment media there must be some kind of arbitors of taste, hence the professional critics, but what it all really comes down to is individuality. Therefore, this individual demands change.
"I only insult those who deserve it." - Alfred E. Neuman