Not sure if this is posted in the correct forum (mods feel free to move it whereever it belongs), but pariah you've got a great site. One small suggestion though would be to have a section similar to the Gangland White Boy Stomp series by (?, the production company escapes me). Basically, if you don't know the series (although I imagine you do) it's an all white guy gangbang of a black girl/girls. Honestly, you guys have a great site already, but this might tap into another niche and therefore get even more subscriptions. Just a thought, but it seems like almost the final piece to your great web site.
P.S. Khan kills me everytime, that guy needs to be locked up.
Keep up the great work.
On a side note, what was that thing that blew gave Avy Lee a facial in Midnight Prowl? Frankie I think his name was?
Great stuff, seriously.