HAhaha, Do you think what you write on here bothers me, maybe you should get your facts straight. You have no fucking clue, and I really could care less about the girls you scammed, I could name some names but fuck it I dont want to waste anymore time on you, and fuck you cause you tried to pull that shit with me when I first started in the biz. Was just posting a comment, no need to get all worked up if its not true, no??

I know what I write doesn’t bother you since you have no conscious at all. However I do know it just pisses you off that I would attempt to stand up to you the great Hailey Young. I could really give a fuck about you and your career in porn as well since your shelf life is limited. But I am sorry if you’re going to post libelous facts I will call you out on it. So yeah Ms. Know it all break out the names…..would love to hear this so called list if you actually have it.