Ok, between posting here and watching Cena vs Hassan on RAW, my pizza arrives from Dominoes. The delivery Kid can't be more than 19...I open the door, and there he is, my pizza in his left hand held back, and in his right hand thrust forward a twenty dollar bill. right after I open the door, he says to me "hey can you break a twenty?" He hasn't even offered me my pizza or told me the price, but I say "ah sure..." and give him 4 fives. He turns around and saunters back to his car, where I see a Large black man with Detroit Pistons gear on (this is new england) standing 6 or so feet away from the car the kid uses. The kid still has my fucking pizza, so I am watching intently as I see the "secret handshake" take place 3 times, and the kid jogs back with my pizza. I smile dutifully and he says "$10.78". I make a comment on his "oregano supplier", and he says, in a voice that is a dead ringer for beavis and butthead, "Heh heh, yeah dude....enjoy your pizza"
Nothing like unknowingly contributing to the delinquency of a pizza boy
Are you gonna eat that?