This is something that seems deeply ingrained in Western culture, but it's not. Go back to Greek and Roman texts: lost women are simply lost women, more dangerous and deserving of caution than pity. It all fucking began with Mary Magdalen and the popularization of your accursed Hebrew creed. By the time the writers of Medieval romances came around, the Christian redemption myth had transformed the bitch that got man cast out of paradise over a goddamned piece of fruit into the suffering angel, looking to be saved.
That is why--Cleetus, I'm looking in your direction--the only hope for Western civilization is its quick and immediate conquest by the Muslim hordes. First, we'll take care of that whole ZOG thing. Eisner ain't going to be in charge of Disney, if you get my drift. You're not going to see Flavor Flav poking at a White woman on MTV and your daughters aren't going to come home bragging of their first lesbian strap-on gangbang at summer camp.
After that: feminism. Five steps behind, and if you mouth off you'll be replaced by your 18 year old cousin. It's worked for ages--why change?
Of course, this has no effect on pornography or vice. Whores are whores and there's no reason to deny them their essential nature.
Admit it, Luke: as scary as it sounds, and as much as you just love to denigrate the Arab, this is exactly what you and your twisted keyboard kommando warblogger friends want. This Republic of Virtue is the kind of society you want to live in. You and I, we can talk plainly. But your friends? They're not brave enough to place the blame for the filth and degredation of their surroundings squarely where it belongs: on the shoulders of the Semite. That vicious Q-Tip you call your Jewish Mamma knows, yet worships at the altar of the televitz and participates in the orgy of corruption like a good Daughter of Abraham. They'll never let you in on their secret handshakes and pension plan, you know.
Face it: your future is with us. You've already bought your little beanie and made some ingratiating inroads into Oy Vey society, which isn't going to look good for you on the Day of the Rope. There's still time though. We could grind these lands into dust by simply shutting down the gas spigots. That's not how we operate, though. Why destroy in a year what we can take, peacefully, with our mighty reproductive powers in a decade?
With us, everyone is equal except those who aren't, which is almost everybody. That's the kind of society you want. No-no-no--you like Jews, you're amused by blacks in your aw-shucks Dingo Joe Crocafuckingdile Dundee way. "Some of my best friends..." I understand. We all have a member of the tribe which seems to be an exception. You'd be mine, but I'm afraid that when push comes to shove, I won't be able to save you when the Eisners, the Friedans, the pimps, the feminists and the weak-kneed maggots feeding on the blood of this society are pushed up against a wall and disposed of quietly and without sorrow.