Just what the fuck is wrong w/ this bitch? I've always found her to be a little bit creepy. She looks like she should be haunting a house somewhere. After witnessing this descent into regrets that only money can buy, I know she’s definately has some serious issues. The scene starts off w/ her in front of what looks like a bowl of milk. Next thing we see is white milky geyser erupt from her ass. Wait. It gets even worse. In comes the bitch who forces her to lick up the puddle of muck while humiliating and rubbing her face in it. Mind you, this is the same viscous fluid the burst from her butthole only moments before. So far the scene is impure filth unlike I’ve seen before. It’s psychodrama for the truly perverse. When rutting begins it’s mean spirited, no semblance of human tenderness exchanged between the performers. Audrey gets gagjobbed butt crushed, ass fisted and inhumanly humped. Do you have what it takes to get off to this?? WHY? Who cares why they do it. WHY do people get off to this? Are the people who do total degenerates beyond salvation? I dare you to look at yourself in the mirror after you jerk off to this. If you do spin around backwards 13 times saying; Melissa lauren made me do it, Melissa Lauren made me do it, Melissa lauren made me do it, melissalauren made me do it, melissa lauren made me do it, melissa lauren made me do it. melissa lauren made me do it, melissa lauren made me do it, melissa lauren made me do it, melissa lauren made me do it, melissa lauren made me do it. melisssa lauren made me do it, melissa lauren made me do it. there that’s 13. I think.
Maybe people have been wondering why it took smut so long to get back to this review, but after running Hellfire Sex for 24 hrs non stop last week like I promised and crazy ol’ smut actually did and it really sent me into a deep funk. It took me this long to mustre up the spiritual strength to get back to the review, but just pass me another hydrocodone & I can do anything!